Originally posted by Wolfracer
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I do very little photoshop, I prefer to get the photos as right as possible in camera. Any point and shoot camera ,whilst great for some things, are poor at others. The data is recorded onto a sensor and transferred to your memory card. A point and shoot sensor is like a 1.0 litre Micra, the sensor on the D700 that I use is like a 3.0 litre Toyota diesel. The larger the sensor the better the clarity,depth of field and sharpness of the photo. However you need good glass in front of that sensor, the best camera in the world will take crap photos if using a milk bottle bottom as a lens, if you get what I mean?
Point and shoots are very good for macro and landscape stuff, but think that when you press the button to fire, there is a time lag to actually taking the photo,yes? Mine is instantaneous, fire the shutter ,photo taken.
The kit used to take the kingfisher above, would buy a good Hilux. But I do that for a living so I don`t mind. Bit like a mechanic buying snap on gear, some other stuff is nearly as good, but not quite as good.
The closer the subject is, then the depth of field narrows. For example, a kingfisher at 10 yards would only need F4 to get it all sharp (it would need a monster of a lens as well), but ,like these, at only 1.5 yards, your depth of filed diminshes alarmingly, that is why I take these at F9,10 or 11.The background is so out of focus because it is 5/6 yards behind the bird. I have some example shots kicking about that show what I mean by depth of field,i`ll dig them out if you want.
Hope that helps a bit. If not ,ask away, happy to help.