On a long African journey your suspension will see more wear and tear in a couple of months than it has seen in 18 years of pottering around England and Japan (if you think of your average 1996 Surf). The potholes, corrugation and badly maintained tarmac will put your suspension and steering components under huge stress.
Get a pre-alignment inspection done so that any issues with the suspension and steering can be highlighted.
Rack ends, tie rod ends, ball joints, steering rack bushes, ARB bushes and link...the lot. Replace anything that looks slightly worn. Nowadays you can get quality suspension parts from Milners, Roughtrax or ebay without having to break the bank. For bushes, when possible choose rubber over polyurethane for a softer, more 'cushiony' ride. Make sure that everything is 100%.
Buy quality shocks to replace the existing ones , if they are leaky or worn out. Stick to the same size and spec as the original ones. Replace the rear springs with RT uprated springs (same length, not the extra 2" ones, more on this later) to cure any symptoms of saggy arse syndrome. A 3rd Gen on its puny original thin black springs, once loaded for your trip will be sitting on the rubber stoppers!
Decent suspension parts for the 3rd Gen can be found around Southern Africa form independent dealers in the main cities and obviously from main Toyota garages , should anything go wrong.
Again, if money was no object I would go for Old Man Emu shocks and springs all round, but they will probably cost you as much as the surf itself!
I would avoid all of the above, for a number of reasons.
If you fit +2" shocks and springs and something goes wrong, like one of the shocks fails, then you are stuffed. You will have to pack some spares because those longer shocks are not widely available here.
Won't longer shocks and springs somewhat change the geometry of the whole suspension set up? Couldn't that possibly affect the alignment? I am not a fan as you can see.
I wouldn't bother doing a body lift, the Surf's clearance is more than adequate for the terrain you'll find here. Also I would not fit bigger wheels/tyres on an overlanding vehicle that will be laden and will travel fast on long distances. The last thing that engine needs is the extra strain of wearing 33"!
Don't get me wrong, I love the 'monster truck' type surfs with huge wheels and crazy lifts but they are meant for doing other stuff, not overlanding.
I would suggest to check and possibly replace all oils, such as the transfer case and the two diffs. If you have a rear LSD diff get the oil replaced with the appropriate LSD diff oil before departure. Take spare LSD diff oil (3 litres) with you, should you need to replace it for some reason, like in case of a leaky rear hub. This oil with friction enhancers is not commonly available in Africa, I have only seen in shops in South Africa.
I would not mess around with them. The Surf's original alloys are perfectly adequate and the standard 275/70 R16 tyres are just fine, and very common here on other SUVs, pick-ups etc. Go for an A/T tyre with a not too aggressive tread. You'll mostly be on tar and noisy tyres could be a pain.
An air compressor of sort is useful (for when you want to re-inflate your tyres after driving in deep sand) but not indispensable. I would not bother with tyre repair kits and tools. I am an optimist...
I love the looks of a properly equipped LC or Surf, with all the goodies. However you do not necessarily need too many of those to enjoy your trip.
I have only ever been in a situation where a winch would have been handy a couple of times. I got some of the local folks to push me out, beers all round and it was cheaper than any winch, and more fun. Most overlanders I talk to admit they have never used it in their travels. The winches on many of these trucks are actually disconnected. A lot of folks wouldn't even know how to use it safely, anyway.
I am also concerned by the weight of a winch and a steel winch bumper on an already fully loaded Surf.
Sliders look nice but again, no need for them. Leave the standard sidesteps at home.
Another one of those fancy bits you see stuck somewhere on the roof, usually bright red...and seldom used. It's a clever bit of kit that can also be used as a winch but I think that there are cheaper options. My preferred one is keeping a couple of cans of tyre repair foam. I use them if I get a puncture somewhere where the terrain doesn't allow for the normal jack to be used. As you move to firmer ground you can change the tyre and later get the other one repaired. Again, I am thinking of keeping weight and costs down.
The snorkel is handy for the odd time when you have to do a deep water crossing. Mine is a Chinese replica of the Safari, bought on OLX,a South African ebay-type site. For UK based members, plenty available on ebay itself. If you are not sure get someone else to fit it for you.
Not too sure about Safari's claims that snorkels provide the engine with cleaner air since they suck it in higher up, while the standard air intake is in the wheel arch. The air filter will clean it anyway.
The front diff breather is apparently already extended in the 3rd Gen. So I have only extended the rear diff breather by replacing the existing breather with an original (and very cheap) Toyota union, Part n. 90404-51319. Then I have connected the union to a length of fuel line-type pipe, which goes from the diff, over the cross member and winds its way up into the engine bay, near the fuel filter. I have then attached this end of the pipe to a cheap fuel filter to prevent dust and dirt getting in. Some very good threads on the topic can be found in the Forum.
I have not extended the transfer case, autobox and fuel tank breathers since I've very rarely needed to go into water deep enough to reach them.
I know that an expedition vehicle doesn't look right without one, but do you really need it?
I guess it depends on the numbers of people travelling and how long you will be away. Also on whether you will have a second spare wheel or not. However if you have the under-slung spare in your surf, you could always make a rear spare wheel carrier (some write-ups on this forum). If you already have the rear wheel carrier you could look into making a holder for an under-slung spare.
A roof rack will cause a lot of air drag and affect fuel consumption. Also stuff packed on the roof can be more easily stolen.
Roof tents are nice but expensive.
I personally much prefer lockable roof boxes. More secure and streamlined, less noisy.
Again, they look good and if you have the cash, why not...However they are not indispensable.
In Africa you won't be driving much at night, apart from city driving. There are good reasons to avoid the highways after dark. You will struggle to see the pot holes for once. Also there are plenty lorries with no rear lighting on the road. Cattle and wild animals like to lie down on the warm tarmac on cold nights: hitting a buffalo full on at 100 km/h might delay your trip somewhat...
For wildlife watching at night you will be better off with a hand held spotlight plugged into the cigar lighter. Many national parks do not allow self drive at night anyway.
These use to be very popular a few years ago, when filling stations in certain areas were few and far between, and often poorly stocked. As a rule diesel is generally more widely available than petrol since it is used by buses, lorries, tractors, pumps, generators etc. The 3rd Gen tank capacity however is quite low. The long range tank install for the 3rd Gen is straight forward, same tanks as he Prado, and possibly a worthwhile mod. Main 4x4 outfitters in UK will order for you. They won't be cheap, maybe £500? The extra fuel will however add weight to an already pretty loaded vehicle...
Alternatively you could carry metal jerry cans and a funnel, as I do.
I carry a box with the most commonly used tools: spanners, sockets, allen keys...basically all the ones I use at home to do minor bits on the car. Take them with you even if you are not very handy yourself: it's often the case that you need a quick fix and the 'bush mechanic' you find has the skills but not the right tools! Cheapish socket sets are available. Also a good quality towing rope and plenty gaffer tape.
As for spares, again , it depends on the length of the trip and on how much space you have got left once you fridge, gas cooker, luggage, tent, sleeping bags, dried foods, camping chairs and table etc have gone in.
In theory you could bring tonnes of spares and cover every possibility. Anything could go wrong on a journey like that, and where do you stop in terms of packing parts? In reality as I mentioned you will find most parts are available here once you get to a city.
Thinking of some common faults on the 3rd Gen surf, I would pack a bare minimum of: 2 rear hub seal kits from RT (including the ABS rings), spare belts, a starter motor repair kit (also from RT), 5m of 8mm rubber pipe (in case the rear extended breather gets caught on something when you are off road, it happened!), some araldite type epoxy glue for 'on the go' repairs, especially the 'liquid rubber types'. They can provisionally repair cracked hoses and pipes. Maybe a water pump, I see RT do one for the KZN185...
Consumables wise, as I mentioned, you will find everything along the way. Brake fluid, ATF fluid, engine oil, gear oil etc will all be available, with the exception of LSD diff oil, as mentioned earlier.
Service the Surf often while on a long trip, every 5000 Km. Do the fuel filter at every service too, as diesel can be dirty here. NEVER buy unofficial diesel from containers at the side of the road. This is usually 'enriched' with paraffin, water etc, to make it go further. Your car won't go any further though, it will bugger your engine for good and it will end your journey.
I realise that in the end your surf will not look much different from what it did before the preparations...
I have however seen so many fantastically looking expedition vehicles, with all the stickers in the right places , parked at the side of the road with steam coming out of the rad, or with a wheel about to come off...
Do the basics to make sure everything is working, here is where the money should be spent. Yours won't be the coolest truck around the campfire! But hopefully it will be up to the job.
I am sure I have forgotten some very important bit of advice or overlooked some totally essential piece of kit. I know I have been very conservative in the 'tools and spares' section. Please comment and amend as appropriate.
Apologies for the long post, any excuse not to work!
Enjoy your adventures!
On a long African journey your suspension will see more wear and tear in a couple of months than it has seen in 18 years of pottering around England and Japan (if you think of your average 1996 Surf). The potholes, corrugation and badly maintained tarmac will put your suspension and steering components under huge stress.
Get a pre-alignment inspection done so that any issues with the suspension and steering can be highlighted.
Rack ends, tie rod ends, ball joints, steering rack bushes, ARB bushes and link...the lot. Replace anything that looks slightly worn. Nowadays you can get quality suspension parts from Milners, Roughtrax or ebay without having to break the bank. For bushes, when possible choose rubber over polyurethane for a softer, more 'cushiony' ride. Make sure that everything is 100%.
Buy quality shocks to replace the existing ones , if they are leaky or worn out. Stick to the same size and spec as the original ones. Replace the rear springs with RT uprated springs (same length, not the extra 2" ones, more on this later) to cure any symptoms of saggy arse syndrome. A 3rd Gen on its puny original thin black springs, once loaded for your trip will be sitting on the rubber stoppers!
Decent suspension parts for the 3rd Gen can be found around Southern Africa form independent dealers in the main cities and obviously from main Toyota garages , should anything go wrong.
Again, if money was no object I would go for Old Man Emu shocks and springs all round, but they will probably cost you as much as the surf itself!
I would avoid all of the above, for a number of reasons.
If you fit +2" shocks and springs and something goes wrong, like one of the shocks fails, then you are stuffed. You will have to pack some spares because those longer shocks are not widely available here.
Won't longer shocks and springs somewhat change the geometry of the whole suspension set up? Couldn't that possibly affect the alignment? I am not a fan as you can see.
I wouldn't bother doing a body lift, the Surf's clearance is more than adequate for the terrain you'll find here. Also I would not fit bigger wheels/tyres on an overlanding vehicle that will be laden and will travel fast on long distances. The last thing that engine needs is the extra strain of wearing 33"!
Don't get me wrong, I love the 'monster truck' type surfs with huge wheels and crazy lifts but they are meant for doing other stuff, not overlanding.
I would suggest to check and possibly replace all oils, such as the transfer case and the two diffs. If you have a rear LSD diff get the oil replaced with the appropriate LSD diff oil before departure. Take spare LSD diff oil (3 litres) with you, should you need to replace it for some reason, like in case of a leaky rear hub. This oil with friction enhancers is not commonly available in Africa, I have only seen in shops in South Africa.
I would not mess around with them. The Surf's original alloys are perfectly adequate and the standard 275/70 R16 tyres are just fine, and very common here on other SUVs, pick-ups etc. Go for an A/T tyre with a not too aggressive tread. You'll mostly be on tar and noisy tyres could be a pain.
An air compressor of sort is useful (for when you want to re-inflate your tyres after driving in deep sand) but not indispensable. I would not bother with tyre repair kits and tools. I am an optimist...
I love the looks of a properly equipped LC or Surf, with all the goodies. However you do not necessarily need too many of those to enjoy your trip.
I have only ever been in a situation where a winch would have been handy a couple of times. I got some of the local folks to push me out, beers all round and it was cheaper than any winch, and more fun. Most overlanders I talk to admit they have never used it in their travels. The winches on many of these trucks are actually disconnected. A lot of folks wouldn't even know how to use it safely, anyway.
I am also concerned by the weight of a winch and a steel winch bumper on an already fully loaded Surf.
Sliders look nice but again, no need for them. Leave the standard sidesteps at home.
Another one of those fancy bits you see stuck somewhere on the roof, usually bright red...and seldom used. It's a clever bit of kit that can also be used as a winch but I think that there are cheaper options. My preferred one is keeping a couple of cans of tyre repair foam. I use them if I get a puncture somewhere where the terrain doesn't allow for the normal jack to be used. As you move to firmer ground you can change the tyre and later get the other one repaired. Again, I am thinking of keeping weight and costs down.
The snorkel is handy for the odd time when you have to do a deep water crossing. Mine is a Chinese replica of the Safari, bought on OLX,a South African ebay-type site. For UK based members, plenty available on ebay itself. If you are not sure get someone else to fit it for you.
Not too sure about Safari's claims that snorkels provide the engine with cleaner air since they suck it in higher up, while the standard air intake is in the wheel arch. The air filter will clean it anyway.
The front diff breather is apparently already extended in the 3rd Gen. So I have only extended the rear diff breather by replacing the existing breather with an original (and very cheap) Toyota union, Part n. 90404-51319. Then I have connected the union to a length of fuel line-type pipe, which goes from the diff, over the cross member and winds its way up into the engine bay, near the fuel filter. I have then attached this end of the pipe to a cheap fuel filter to prevent dust and dirt getting in. Some very good threads on the topic can be found in the Forum.
I have not extended the transfer case, autobox and fuel tank breathers since I've very rarely needed to go into water deep enough to reach them.
I know that an expedition vehicle doesn't look right without one, but do you really need it?
I guess it depends on the numbers of people travelling and how long you will be away. Also on whether you will have a second spare wheel or not. However if you have the under-slung spare in your surf, you could always make a rear spare wheel carrier (some write-ups on this forum). If you already have the rear wheel carrier you could look into making a holder for an under-slung spare.
A roof rack will cause a lot of air drag and affect fuel consumption. Also stuff packed on the roof can be more easily stolen.
Roof tents are nice but expensive.
I personally much prefer lockable roof boxes. More secure and streamlined, less noisy.
Again, they look good and if you have the cash, why not...However they are not indispensable.
In Africa you won't be driving much at night, apart from city driving. There are good reasons to avoid the highways after dark. You will struggle to see the pot holes for once. Also there are plenty lorries with no rear lighting on the road. Cattle and wild animals like to lie down on the warm tarmac on cold nights: hitting a buffalo full on at 100 km/h might delay your trip somewhat...
For wildlife watching at night you will be better off with a hand held spotlight plugged into the cigar lighter. Many national parks do not allow self drive at night anyway.
These use to be very popular a few years ago, when filling stations in certain areas were few and far between, and often poorly stocked. As a rule diesel is generally more widely available than petrol since it is used by buses, lorries, tractors, pumps, generators etc. The 3rd Gen tank capacity however is quite low. The long range tank install for the 3rd Gen is straight forward, same tanks as he Prado, and possibly a worthwhile mod. Main 4x4 outfitters in UK will order for you. They won't be cheap, maybe £500? The extra fuel will however add weight to an already pretty loaded vehicle...
Alternatively you could carry metal jerry cans and a funnel, as I do.
I carry a box with the most commonly used tools: spanners, sockets, allen keys...basically all the ones I use at home to do minor bits on the car. Take them with you even if you are not very handy yourself: it's often the case that you need a quick fix and the 'bush mechanic' you find has the skills but not the right tools! Cheapish socket sets are available. Also a good quality towing rope and plenty gaffer tape.
As for spares, again , it depends on the length of the trip and on how much space you have got left once you fridge, gas cooker, luggage, tent, sleeping bags, dried foods, camping chairs and table etc have gone in.
In theory you could bring tonnes of spares and cover every possibility. Anything could go wrong on a journey like that, and where do you stop in terms of packing parts? In reality as I mentioned you will find most parts are available here once you get to a city.
Thinking of some common faults on the 3rd Gen surf, I would pack a bare minimum of: 2 rear hub seal kits from RT (including the ABS rings), spare belts, a starter motor repair kit (also from RT), 5m of 8mm rubber pipe (in case the rear extended breather gets caught on something when you are off road, it happened!), some araldite type epoxy glue for 'on the go' repairs, especially the 'liquid rubber types'. They can provisionally repair cracked hoses and pipes. Maybe a water pump, I see RT do one for the KZN185...
Consumables wise, as I mentioned, you will find everything along the way. Brake fluid, ATF fluid, engine oil, gear oil etc will all be available, with the exception of LSD diff oil, as mentioned earlier.
Service the Surf often while on a long trip, every 5000 Km. Do the fuel filter at every service too, as diesel can be dirty here. NEVER buy unofficial diesel from containers at the side of the road. This is usually 'enriched' with paraffin, water etc, to make it go further. Your car won't go any further though, it will bugger your engine for good and it will end your journey.
I realise that in the end your surf will not look much different from what it did before the preparations...
I have however seen so many fantastically looking expedition vehicles, with all the stickers in the right places , parked at the side of the road with steam coming out of the rad, or with a wheel about to come off...
Do the basics to make sure everything is working, here is where the money should be spent. Yours won't be the coolest truck around the campfire! But hopefully it will be up to the job.
I am sure I have forgotten some very important bit of advice or overlooked some totally essential piece of kit. I know I have been very conservative in the 'tools and spares' section. Please comment and amend as appropriate.
Apologies for the long post, any excuse not to work!

Enjoy your adventures!