Originally posted by superneiltotherescue
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Scotland,Drumclog D9, April 08
I'm afraid it's true, I'm a zook driver! But here's a pic anyway so you can give me a toot when your about.
I got a place aye. You gonna be there?
Been trying to fit a snorkel after work today but need some flexible hose about 50-60mm diameter. Antone got some they can bring tomorrow? I tried using some hose from my hoover but it was too small. Marty says hose from a Henry does trhe job though so if anyone wouldn't mind sacrificing there vacuum cleaner hose for an all round fun cause that would be great as an alternative!!
Just now I've just got a bit of 63mm pipe and a corner section sticking out my wing! Any help would be worth me and the jimny not mauling you all tomorrow!!
Originally posted by smiffy View PostGordon i put the order in yesterday!!! I'll see what i can do though.
Alan and Brian,my mistake. Their not spicy venison,but spicy pheasant grills!!!
Hope they'll do???????
I've ordered
10 pheasant and apricot
10 pheasant and leek
10 pheasant and honey
10 venison burgers
10 spicy pheasant spice grills
I'll try get some more burgers if i can Gordon.
Niel!!! Good to see your gonna make it and you've made it on line!!
Yes i got a Jimny due to your great advertising!!! Gettin a 3" lift for it and a winch bumper mid May,so the wee 'ASBO' may be roaming the hills of Clog by JuneEnded up going to scrappys for alternator a quarter of the price
Not long to go now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Was supposed to be getting rocksliders welded up on mine for this weekend after the tree stump in the woods ripped the last one off but didn't get round to it. Cable ties did a great job of holding the old one back on!!
See you all in morning then.
Well guys thanks for a cracking day at drumclog!
Was wet when we arrived some had to set the tents up in the wind and rain. Around 12 the sun came out and was rather warm as some points when the wind stopped.
I couldnt camp so just drove sat . Conditions were alot better than our last trip, not to many recoverys , ill put my hand up and say i got stuck good and proper and superneiltotherescue ( neil ) and the wee jimny had trouble pulling me out so had to leave the surf and head for the other super surfers as we had lost them .
So it was smiffy to the rescue again with his winch and thanks for the lift back alan.
As im sitting here you lot are probably out again having fun agin and today the weather is fantastic, oh and is i was leaving yesterday the bonfire was being built with a load of wooden pallets , it must have been a cracker!
There were some nice rigs there and there was plenty room for everyone so id like to thank everyone for arranging it and all for turning up as it was a good day , deff need to camp next time , i didnt take many pics but ill post a few later.
Oh also thanks for a shot of your quad marty was fun , rapid that thing suzuki 400 i think?Last edited by martyrsvr; 27 April 2008, 11:47.Scottish mud club
D9 pics and vid
Hi guys,
Sorry I had to dash away on Saturday, glad the weather held out for you Sunday.
Don't know if this is the place to put them but here are some pics and a cracking vid of smiffy doing the stuff that machine's made for. Pity I missed Marty nearly couping his right over! It was an awesome sight from where I was down the bottom!! And a vid showing waht we were up to when we disappeared!
Take it easy.
Looks like you all had a great time, the 90 is still off the road, as the passenger side brake caliper had sheared off, so had to get a replacement and fit new seals to it, which is a new skill I now have, hopefully have it up and running for next weekend, and then down to Lochgilphead the following Sunday then the Pajero weekend at Drumclog at the ed of the month.
Cool pics lads, the rest are here http://www.hiluxsurf.co.uk/forums/sh...ad.php?t=44887
Looking forward to the next mudbath!Alan
yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."