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  • #31
    Originally posted by shokenore View Post
    or you could just ignore everything that has been mentioned and carry on as before, btw being an experienced IT professional hasn't helped you find the "subs" page or even the "FAQ" page in the six years or so since you joined....

    seeing as there isn't a "shakes head and walks away smilie" I just did.
    Been a member 6 years as that's when i decided I wanted a surf, post count is more of an indicator of how much use i have given the site.

    seeing as there isn't a "shakes head and walks away smilie" I just did.


    • #32
      Originally posted by popuptoaster View Post
      Been a member 6 years as that's when i decided I wanted a surf, post count is more of an indicator of how much use i have given the site.

      seeing as there isn't a "shakes head and walks away smilie" I just did.
      Seeing as you mentioned it, post count is well how can I can explain this to an IT pro, I think it may be something to do with the amount of posts that you have made, and it has nothing to do with the amount of use you have given the site, I could be wrong of course.

      I notice that you have decided to use the olive branch I offered to you in my original post as something to beat me with Kudos to you.

      I just love it when self proclaiming professionals are shown up especially in their self proclaimed profession.
      Its a forum website with quite clearly laid out sections with easy to read FAQ sections and subs and the like.
      Get over yourself.


      • #33
        Handbags away ladies.

        yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


        • #34
          Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
          Handbags away ladies.



          • #35
            I didn't start a row and have made constructive suggestions about how to fix an issue that got highlighted by my inability to find a PM button.

            Assuming i'm bad at my job because of an unusual condition of use without clear indications of that condition is like saying a taxi drivers shouldn't have crashed when he went to a town with anticlockwise roundabouts and no signs saying they were backwards.

            The fact that said taxi driver could have looked those instructions up in a book is no help to the guy who wasn't expecting to need to know the roundabouts were the wrong way round compared to anywhere else.


            • #36
              Pm button linked to sub's explanation is a great idea.
              Loads of "how do I pm", "I can't pm" post can be found on this site.
              Last edited by yoshie; 13 July 2014, 12:06.


              • #37
                I apologise for calling the site stupid, i am short tempered.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by popuptoaster View Post
                  I apologise for calling the site stupid, i am short tempered.
                  If only you had read post #28.

                  We still love you short tempered or otherwise.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by shokenore View Post
                    If only you had read post #28.

                    We still love you short tempered or otherwise.
                    I did read it, i quoted it, but until it was pointed out to me by someone who just looked over my shoulder i didn't think anyone could get offended by a website being called stupid to be honest.

                    Offense wasn't my aim, i was just venting.


                    • #40
                      LOL, website?

                      This is a caring (sometimes) sharing and involving community of mainly old codgers with an interest in Surfs and being pedantic.

                      Way more than just a website.

                      yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."

