Well here goes, i'll do the rear and body a bit later
This is a quick write up regarding fitting ball joint spacers to obtain lift on the front suspension, you choose the lift by the thickness of the spacer you req, anything from ½” to 2”, it may be possible to fit even thicker spacers but personally 2” is as far as I’d go, any more and I’d recommend cranking up the torsion bars or preferably fitting +2” replacement bars, if you want even more lift there’s the body lift (up to 4” with some mods) more than that? Then go to the likes of LA Supertrux who will put it in orbit as long as you’ve the cash,
When I did mine I had loads of help from guy’s on the site by way of advice and parts so a big thanks to you all, there are prob other maybe better ways of doing this mod but this is what I did and hopefully will help some of you who are planning on doing it, I know there are other “write up’s” about such as the Aus web site but I found some niggley little things missing, such as the need to bash out the ball joint original bolts as they are “drifted” into the ball joint flange, and no amount of hammering would shift em until I held them accross the open jaws of a vise and wacked em,
Also bear in mind that doing this (2”) will put the camber of the front wheels out and make them “bow” in at the bottom so you will need to get that redone at the tyre place, (I still haven’t got this done with the result the front tyres are starting to wear on the outer edge,
Right, first give all the nuts/bolts you are going to mess with a good WD40 ing,
Jack up the truck on the chassi till the front wheels are off the deck, (having loosened the nuts)
Remove the wheels and get a jack (found a trolly jack the best) and place it under the lower ball joint, jack it up till it just takes the weight of the truck from that side of the chassi jack, this means the top wishbone is now in the “under load” position (up at it’s normal height,
Get a nice flat block of wood and place on the deck in line with the front edges of the wishbones (or as near as poss) measure from the top of the block of wood to the underside of the top wishbone, I had a length of steel box section and cut it to this measurement, I then cut the head off a bolt and welded it to the box section,
This bit is now fitted under the top wishbone (the bolt goes in a hole already there, (drain hole I guess) and on the block of wood, I then nailed smaller blocks around the steel box to stop it slipping, the welded bolt at the top stops the top of it slipping, so you can work without the danger of it shooting off and doing your hands damage, this box section now keeps the top wishbone in the under load position, I found this way better than the “bit of wood jammed through the wishbone” method, all this makes it much easier to remove/refit the joint etc,
Hook out the split pin from the joint castle nut (having both wheels clear of the deck makes it easy to swing the steering to either lock so you can get at this nut and the others easier) remove the nut and lower the jack under the bottom joint and knock the control arm free, a couple of sharp smacks got mine off,
Undo the ball joint fixings from the top of the wishbone and tap the joint out, hold it accross the slightly open jaws of a vise and bang the old bolts out,
Place two of the new longer bolts through the spacer and offer it up under the wishbone and determine how much metal you’ll have to remove till it sits comfortabley in place, Trial and error here as you only want to grind off as much as you req,
Once the spacer fits snugly remove it and fit the four new bolts through the ball joint and then fit the spacer on this and fit this assembly up through the wishbone and bolt in place,
Wriggle the control arm back into the taper as you jack up under the bottom joint and refit the castle nut, as tight as allows the hole and castle to line up for a new split pin,
I should add that I replaced the angled grease nipple with a more upright one due to this now being down in the center hole of the spacer, just makes greaseing a bit easier,
Finally and prob needless to say clean and oil all threads as ya go and take precautions when jacking, these are heavy trucks and will kill you if your careless, do it on flat hard ground and stick the two front wheels one on the other under there as an extra precaution, plus stands etc
Fit your new shock absorber (+2”) and do it all over again on the other side,
Refit the wheels and jacks down, all done, get the camber/tracking re done soon as poss
I’d also recommend fitting either manual free wheeling hubs with this lift or spaceing the front diff and ARB down to suit the lift, as the drive shafts will new be at a steeper angle than before and will wear out the boots quicker

This is a quick write up regarding fitting ball joint spacers to obtain lift on the front suspension, you choose the lift by the thickness of the spacer you req, anything from ½” to 2”, it may be possible to fit even thicker spacers but personally 2” is as far as I’d go, any more and I’d recommend cranking up the torsion bars or preferably fitting +2” replacement bars, if you want even more lift there’s the body lift (up to 4” with some mods) more than that? Then go to the likes of LA Supertrux who will put it in orbit as long as you’ve the cash,
When I did mine I had loads of help from guy’s on the site by way of advice and parts so a big thanks to you all, there are prob other maybe better ways of doing this mod but this is what I did and hopefully will help some of you who are planning on doing it, I know there are other “write up’s” about such as the Aus web site but I found some niggley little things missing, such as the need to bash out the ball joint original bolts as they are “drifted” into the ball joint flange, and no amount of hammering would shift em until I held them accross the open jaws of a vise and wacked em,
Also bear in mind that doing this (2”) will put the camber of the front wheels out and make them “bow” in at the bottom so you will need to get that redone at the tyre place, (I still haven’t got this done with the result the front tyres are starting to wear on the outer edge,
Right, first give all the nuts/bolts you are going to mess with a good WD40 ing,
Jack up the truck on the chassi till the front wheels are off the deck, (having loosened the nuts)
Remove the wheels and get a jack (found a trolly jack the best) and place it under the lower ball joint, jack it up till it just takes the weight of the truck from that side of the chassi jack, this means the top wishbone is now in the “under load” position (up at it’s normal height,
Get a nice flat block of wood and place on the deck in line with the front edges of the wishbones (or as near as poss) measure from the top of the block of wood to the underside of the top wishbone, I had a length of steel box section and cut it to this measurement, I then cut the head off a bolt and welded it to the box section,
This bit is now fitted under the top wishbone (the bolt goes in a hole already there, (drain hole I guess) and on the block of wood, I then nailed smaller blocks around the steel box to stop it slipping, the welded bolt at the top stops the top of it slipping, so you can work without the danger of it shooting off and doing your hands damage, this box section now keeps the top wishbone in the under load position, I found this way better than the “bit of wood jammed through the wishbone” method, all this makes it much easier to remove/refit the joint etc,
Hook out the split pin from the joint castle nut (having both wheels clear of the deck makes it easy to swing the steering to either lock so you can get at this nut and the others easier) remove the nut and lower the jack under the bottom joint and knock the control arm free, a couple of sharp smacks got mine off,
Undo the ball joint fixings from the top of the wishbone and tap the joint out, hold it accross the slightly open jaws of a vise and bang the old bolts out,
Place two of the new longer bolts through the spacer and offer it up under the wishbone and determine how much metal you’ll have to remove till it sits comfortabley in place, Trial and error here as you only want to grind off as much as you req,
Once the spacer fits snugly remove it and fit the four new bolts through the ball joint and then fit the spacer on this and fit this assembly up through the wishbone and bolt in place,
Wriggle the control arm back into the taper as you jack up under the bottom joint and refit the castle nut, as tight as allows the hole and castle to line up for a new split pin,
I should add that I replaced the angled grease nipple with a more upright one due to this now being down in the center hole of the spacer, just makes greaseing a bit easier,
Finally and prob needless to say clean and oil all threads as ya go and take precautions when jacking, these are heavy trucks and will kill you if your careless, do it on flat hard ground and stick the two front wheels one on the other under there as an extra precaution, plus stands etc
Fit your new shock absorber (+2”) and do it all over again on the other side,
Refit the wheels and jacks down, all done, get the camber/tracking re done soon as poss
I’d also recommend fitting either manual free wheeling hubs with this lift or spaceing the front diff and ARB down to suit the lift, as the drive shafts will new be at a steeper angle than before and will wear out the boots quicker
