so, you fit a winch to the front of the truck, then immediately attach a snatch block to the front of the truck to run the cable round and back under the truck? So what is it that stops either the steel wire wearing it's own groove through the underside of your truck? Or with a plasma rope the friction between rope and trucks undercarriage would just melt would just melt the rope in a matter of a few pulls. In addition, winching offroad is normally coz your stuck, most likely way your gonna be stuck is buried up to your belly pan or at least axles in mud or sand, good luck chucking the winch cable back under the truck anyway, could say the same for trying to take your winch + mount out the boot and fit it into one of your receiver hitches too though, or swap it from front to back.
Put a winch on the rear of the surf and you need to protect it well, we all know how many times we plough towbars through the mud, smash foglights off etc or just generally damage the rear end, bumpers exhauist etc. a winch on the back is gonna be in exactly the same position, and take some serious knocks. Hard mount it on the front, full winch bumper with a couple of good solid recovery points aswell as the winch is the way forward IMO, though i do also see the attraction of discrete mounts, back it up with some upgraded hooks aswell, so if you've gotta come back to the surf using a snatch block you've got something to come back to.
Put a winch on the rear of the surf and you need to protect it well, we all know how many times we plough towbars through the mud, smash foglights off etc or just generally damage the rear end, bumpers exhauist etc. a winch on the back is gonna be in exactly the same position, and take some serious knocks. Hard mount it on the front, full winch bumper with a couple of good solid recovery points aswell as the winch is the way forward IMO, though i do also see the attraction of discrete mounts, back it up with some upgraded hooks aswell, so if you've gotta come back to the surf using a snatch block you've got something to come back to.