Getting there


Not quite finished yet.
But a satisfying days fettling and I'm whooped now and off for a beer


Not quite finished yet.
- Two bolts are too long, so need some about 1 1/2" shorter to finish bolting up and the interior trim (centre bolts by pillar).
- When I read 'fan shroud' I had in mind that little fan on the outside of the radiator, not the big plastic thing on the inside. D'oh. So that was what popped when jacking it up! It got too late, too dark and too knackered to finish so I broke off some of the plastic from the bottom of the shroud to let it clear the bottom hoses and allow the fan turn without smashing it, but not enough to fit the drop brackets. Am I meant to trim up the fan shroud so it can drop down further?
- Centre console need to be put back together, and it won't go into low.
- I tried bashing the steering column but it wouldn't budge; its moved 1/4" under the dash and 1/8" in the engine bay. Ideally I'd like to even it out but that may not happen.
- Grille, bumper, lights etc to be re-fitted.
- I want to crank down the torsion bars so I'm not nose high.
But a satisfying days fettling and I'm whooped now and off for a beer
