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Track rod replacement/adjustment

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  • Track rod replacement/adjustment

    Previous owner replaced both inner and outer and also sleeves/clamps.

    As some may have read that I had a bad pull to the left even after having the front camber/caster/toe set perfect. Mechanic adjusted both track rods an equal 1/4 turn and this straightened the steering but obviously this has meant toe etc is incorrect against factory settings ( albeit total toe is equal ). He pointed out that the drivers sleeve is wound in all way at the wheel end and passengers side rod is about equal at both ends.

    What's the best way to correct this is possible to give a basic equal starting point or does this meant something is wrong? Mechanic reckons both sleeves should be equal ( ish ) unles something is bent..


  • #2
    My passengers side track rod is the same as you describe, was replaced by a mechanic in Leeds 2 years ago according to the bills. I recon it must have been fitted badly by someone used to working on vehicles with a steering rack not a box, hence wound the track rod all the way home...

    I'm planning on pulling it off in the summer and evening up the threads and tracking it again.


    • #3
      I know what you mean by steering racks, i count the number of turns it takes to undo the track rod end. As a rough guide for reassemble and when I did my old surf I just clamp the assemble in a vice and did the same each end for both sides ( both sides were equal ish ) but I just don't want to take of my passengers side of and end up with that wheel pointing all over the shop and the alignment place just winding it all the way in to adjust it again..


      • #4
        The easiest way to rectify the fault is to remove the outer track rod from the stub axle undo the clips, completely remove the outer track rod end and unwind the inner so that it is central then re fit the outer track rod and centre that also, bolt every thing back up and go get your tracking checked.

