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Does my bum look saggy in this?

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  • Does my bum look saggy in this?

    I suspect I'm going to have to address the suspension at some point soon. But I noticed a few threads where some of you guys have pointed out a saggy arse when viewing people's pics.


    It's reasonably comfy so I think the springs may be fine. It's on the sloped drive right now...so measuring it is pointless.

    Dampers: Also, although not bad on a normal ride, it can get a bit bouncy. With the adjustable having a definite, but subtle, effect...it may be the case that the dampers are original Toyota ones.

    On pull away it can, if too eager, feel like I'm on a bucking bronco. Whiplash is a possibility

    Does that sound like Donald dampers?

    The bounce test doesn't really do anything. Barely moves. But again...it's on my sloped drive so there may already be a lot of compression. Will check at the next flat park-up.

  • #2
    Springs support the vehicle weight.
    Dampers, well damp.


    • #3
      Yey, I know that.


      • #4
        To check if the truck's suspension is level, park on level ground and measure from the ground to the under side of the sidesteps at both ends.

        And yes, it does sound like your dampers are 'cattled'.


        • #5
          Cheers BUSHWHACKER.

          I know how springs and dampers work but I have no idea of the characteristics of these Surfs.

          Thanks for confirming what I'd feared

          Saying that...they're not the most expensive things to sort

          And good tip on measuring sag. Presumably they should be equal.


          • #6
            ps. The laugh smilie () looks far more condescending than I mean it to


            • #7
              You asked if your arse looked saggy.
              The main cause of a saggy arse would be springs.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sylux View Post
                Cheers BUSHWHACKER.

                And good tip on measuring sag. Presumably they should be equal?

                p.s. How come your avatar is animated on the pickup website but not on here?


                • #9
                  Because this place has a cap set on the size of your avatar. I think it was set in 1992

