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Still got power and gearbox problems

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  • Still got power and gearbox problems

    I'm struggling to fix the fault on my 3.0l TD which is an apparent lack of power. It runs ok on the flat and around town but it is obvious at motorway speeds when I hit a hill. I struggle to keep 60mph and the gear box starts going mad searching for the right gear. But no matter what gear there isn't enoung power.

    There is also a fault I found which is the torque converter sometimes doesn't lock up. It will be fine then suddenly fall out of lock up and rev higher. This doesn't sort it self out until I stop then accelerate again. I don't get any fault codes but wandering if this is related to the lack of power.

    Could a faulty ECU cause these problems or am I looking at separate faults?


  • #2
    Well I've been doing more research trying to find a solution to the problems and I think I may have come accross a possible solution on the Australian site.

    Quite a few of them have found that cleaning/replacing the little in line filter before the turbo pressure sensor can hugely help any sluggishness. As I don't have any obvious electrical problems then i'm hoping this might help.

    I decided to buy a new one instead of cleaning it and I'll let you know if it makes a difference after I've changed it.

    Others may have similar problems and it seems worth it to regularly clean this part as part of a service as it can cause such a big difference in performance.


    • #3
      It'll be an ECU fault.
      The TPS (throttle position sensor) and engine speed sensors send a signal to the transmission via the ECU, so at light throttle openings (around town) the transmission will shift OK as the speedo sensor will be controling the gear changes. At higher speeds, the engine speed sensor takes over and tells the ECU when to change gear/lock-up.
      If any of the transmission sensors were not working, the O/D light will flash.


      • #4
        Originally posted by timholmes61 View Post

        There is also a fault I found which is the torque converter sometimes doesn't lock up. It will be fine then suddenly fall out of lock up and rev higher. This doesn't sort it self out until I stop then accelerate again. I don't get any fault codes but wandering if this is related to the lack of power.

        Could a faulty ECU cause these problems or am I looking at separate faults?

        the gearbox is probably just cos you are pressing the throttle harder than you should be for that speed, it just thinks you are trying to accelerate so changes down.

        55-60ish is when lockup occurs, so might not be anything wrong with gearbox.

        Have you cleaned the filter behind the fuel temp sensor, and blown compressed air back down the all the fuel lines to the tank?
        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


        • #5
          Thanks for your help.

          I've never had any gearbox fault codes so I think all the sensors should be working. I think tony is right in that the gearbox is just trying to find more power as I'm telling it to do so through the accelerator. But I'm not ruling out an ECU problem as well as I've got a speedo that is going mad. Sometimes jumping and sometimes dying for a few seconds then back to normal.

          I haven't cleaned any of these filters in the various lines as I'm only just discovering that they are there! I'm going to have a go at this boost line filter then look at fuel lines if that does nothing.

          Why would they put another fuel filter in the lines as there is a main one? Where would I find it and what does it look like?


          • #6
            Tim there are a few members around the Kent area.Put a new thread in the general section asking if anyone would mind you tetsting their ecu or running yours in their truck to see if it is the ecu.All it will take is 30mins of both your times to swap and test on a run


            • #7
              Thanks Richard. I think I will do that if I don't have any joy with the other bits. Am I right in thinking 3.0l ECUs are difficult to get second hand?

              Could I get it reconditioned if I find out it is causing problems?


              • #8
                yea the 3.0 ones are harder to come by and you can get them reconditioned aswell.Just google ecu doctor and it will give you a couple of guys that do them


                • #9
                  Good news! I swapped over the little filter on the turbo boost sensor line and an instant improvement. It now drives like a 3.0l should do! So anyone else with similar problems should look at cleaning their filter out too.

                  Also not had any gearbox issues since so think it was linked. Also so far no more speedo problems but I'm guessing this is a co-incidence due to the colder weather rather than being related to the power issue.

                  Anyway thanks for your help...next thing to fix is....cruise control!


                  • #10
                    glad you got it sorted at last Tim and now you can start to enjoy the truck again


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by timholmes61 View Post
                      Good news! I swapped over the little filter on the turbo boost sensor line and an instant improvement. It now drives like a 3.0l should do! So anyone else with similar problems should look at cleaning their filter out too.

                      Also not had any gearbox issues since so think it was linked. Also so far no more speedo problems but I'm guessing this is a co-incidence due to the colder weather rather than being related to the power issue.

                      Anyway thanks for your help...next thing to fix is....cruise control!
                      Are they available over the counter if so what sort of price are they, As it seems they can cause a fair amount of hassle for something that small and seemingly insignificant! So i'm thinking on the lines of prevention is better than the cure in most cases and replacing the small items that are now appearing to give out due to age/dirt or sheer neglect.
                      I'M ALWAYS IN THE SH'T, IT'S ONLY THE DEPTH THAT VARIES!!!!!!!!


                      • #12
                        I decided to take the most comprehensive option and replace it (£27 from toyota) which is really quite expensive considering it is a very small plastic filter!

                        However, there's quite a bit of info on the Aussie site about cleaning it which sounds very simple. You just blow some carb cleaner through it and all the gunk comes out. Then just dry with some compressed air.

                        Lots of them saying it will become part of a routine service now.


                        • #13

                          I've had very similar issues with my truck since day one - around 2 years now. Tried everything suggested here and also by numerous other guru's of various types, including 2xECU swaps, replacement boost sensor and even a visit to Stevo's in Stockport. I've spent a small fortune so far on trying to diagnose the problem, but still don't seem to be getting any closer to even finding it, let alone fixing it.

                          Just had a quick look at the Aus site for the info you mention regarding the boost sensor filter but I'm obviously not looking in the right place......any chance you could post a link here please?

                          If you're still looking for the location of the small filter behind the fuel temp sensor, take a look here at post 2 provided by wishbone in answer to a previous question of mine.....hope it helps.

                          If at first you don't succeed,
                          Destroy all evidence that you even tried.


                          • #14
                            Sorry you're having problems for so long. I know it is so frustrating when you keep spending money and still don't fix the problem.

                            It is definitely worth trying this filter as it will be very cheap compared to the rest of the work you've done.

                            There is some info here:


                            But more here and look at the links in this thread:


                            It is very easy to find. Just look under the intake pipe in the right side of the engine. It is a cylindrical plastic thing about 3cm x 3cm (probably covered in oil). There will be a hose coming going in the top and the bottom.

                            Let me know if you need any more help with this.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by timholmes61 View Post

                              Also not had any gearbox issues since so think it was linked. Also so far no more speedo problems but I'm guessing this is a co-incidence due to the colder weather rather than being related to the power issue.
                              My speedo also jumps around, but only for first 5-10 mins of driving. I have noticed though that on the days it does it there is often small amount of condensation on inside of instrument cluster, so now thinking that moisture affecting it...
                              My other cars a QUAD
                              (sv1000spilot on surf forums)

