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  • #31
    Kay Berriman, one of the organisers, is Vikki Astons sister and i have known Vikki for years through running and training agility dogs.
    I was on the gate last year telling all the pushey moms where to park their horse boxes and i don't take prisoners even if yer range rover is brand new and your wearing prada johdpurs you park where i tell you......
    My better half is great at offering my services without telling me so she offerd Kay my services......
    Think this year we may be in charge of the events ring.......now this could be fun.......
    We even used to rent the house Alan Hocken now lives in on Woolstone lane till he found his woman Victoria the vet and they wanted the house for themselves....now we live in northway and miss the area sooo much.
    Remember arrows are silent.....................
    Don't forget to tell everyone its indestructable as seen on top gear.......


    • #32
      Like the prada jodphurs!! I know what you mean pony mothers can be so pushy!!

