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Can't open the back of the Hi-lux!!

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  • Can't open the back of the Hi-lux!!

    I've got an old 4x4 Hilux and the back drop-down bit is stuck shut. There is a lever that you normally put your fingers in and just pull to open but its doing nothing. Any ideas - please

  • #2
    If you are meaning a Surf, is your rear window fully in the down position?

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #3
      Sorry to appear dim but it doesn't have a back window. It's an old pick-up truck.

      Originally posted by UDTrev View Post
      If you are meaning a Surf, is your rear window fully in the down position?



      • #4
        has the cable pulled out the back of the lever? Or snapped?

        When you pull the lever is there any resistance at all? I would imagine when it's all working right there's a bit of resistance as it opens the catches?
        =SOLD UP!=


        • #5
          Broken Catch

          Can't feel any resistance so it might have snapped or come out. Trouble is I can't see how to take it to bits to have a look - not obvious to me


          • #6
            Catch Broken

            OK - I've removed the catch and there is a cable attached to the right hand side but nothing on the other side. How do you manage to get hold of the cable - there doesn't seem to be any room in there!!!


            • #7
              Broken Catch

              Things are looking better - I've found the other half of the wire and it just hooks into the hole. Trouble is it won't stay there...... the other side has some kind of plastic cover that jams it in. Perhaps I could cut off a bit of a rawplug to fix it What you think....


              • #8
                You could try that, or maybe wrap some duct tape round it to hold it in place.
                Mike G

