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3rd gen 4wd :(

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  • 3rd gen 4wd :(

    So....fitted my diff breathers and have managed to lose my 4wd.

    When trying to put a front breather on, I was running my hand all round the front diff and transfer case.

    It is a 3rd gen (albeit the very early one (or potentially an american style one) that doesn't have "multi-mode" 4wd).

    When I press the 4wd button on the transfer lever, nothing happens...no light, no 4wd, no nothing.

    I don't know where the relay is (and in the past, when it was working and selected I never heard a relay clicking on).

    I have checked the a.d.d hoses and they are all connected top and bottom.

    I have had the hoses off the solenoids and I am getting "suction" on some of them.

    When I am under the car, no matter where the lever or switches are the front prop-shaft can be spun by hand.

    I have disconnected and cleaned every plug on the transfer case I could find and re-connected it.

    It drives etc fine in 2wd.........but I wanted a 4wd so I could get it muddy.

    Anyone any ideas?

    If there is an a.d.d. sensor or switch on the front diff....if there was a problem with this would it give these symptoms?

    I am hoping it is something simple.........as it was simple to cock up

  • #2
    Any thoughts anyone?...something simple?


    • #3
      Check the connections on the front diff - there should be a couple there, smaller one for the 4WD light on the dash, the other (on the back I think) is for the motor to engage the sleeve that connects the diff (simple terms).

      Just make sure everything that looks like it should be connected is.
      Too old to care, young enough to remember


      • #4
        What I thought.........and what Mudsurfer said (thanks matey)...

        ..plug on passenger side of front diff that follows the breathers up.....just had a fiddle around with it and got back in the truck and the green light came on.

        .....as I had the car up on axle stands I even checked it was working (lifted one front wheel and one back wheel....stuck it in drive then engaged 4wd and the front span as well as the back...

        Happy I am

        when I get the time, I'll re-wire the plugs and waterproof it all, it all looks a little exposed.

