Couple of things. Been out for about 8 hours yesterday in the snow and using 4wd probably 70% of the time (not on tarmac only on snow) I have a body lift and sus lift and freewheel hubs so the huds were locked all day and this morning.
Fronm yesterday afternoon I could hear a noise when driving that sounded (appropriately) like quiet sleigh bells or keys being shaken. Could only hear it when moving not idling.
As I had a couple of shackles at the end of my tow rope wrapped on the outside of the Surf I presumed it was these chinking together.
When I went out today without the shackles it was still there.
Had a look under the truck for any loose parts and couldn't see anything. Tried disengaging the hubs and made no difference.
What I did see however was that the ball joint gaiter was leaking grease and squirted out water when I squeezed it. Came straight home and havent driven any more. Going to try and see if I can force some grease in and gaffer tape it when its dried out a bit.
a) Could it have been this making the noise? Wouldnt have thought so as it seemed to increase incrementally with speed. If not what the hell could it be? Worried about tranny wind up but it was all on snow with 4wd engaged which will surely allow enough slip to negate this?
b) can I just get the gaiter replaced or do I need the whole BJ from milners. Also (stupid question .. is it the upper or lower BJ?) See pic[IMG]
3. When we fitted the BJ spacers GWH suggested getting longer grease nipples to fit. Cant seem to find them anywhere. Any ideas?
On a side note, being a mechanical numpty, should CV and ball joint boots feel as if they are full of grease? My CV boots feel empty.
Fronm yesterday afternoon I could hear a noise when driving that sounded (appropriately) like quiet sleigh bells or keys being shaken. Could only hear it when moving not idling.
As I had a couple of shackles at the end of my tow rope wrapped on the outside of the Surf I presumed it was these chinking together.
When I went out today without the shackles it was still there.
Had a look under the truck for any loose parts and couldn't see anything. Tried disengaging the hubs and made no difference.
What I did see however was that the ball joint gaiter was leaking grease and squirted out water when I squeezed it. Came straight home and havent driven any more. Going to try and see if I can force some grease in and gaffer tape it when its dried out a bit.
a) Could it have been this making the noise? Wouldnt have thought so as it seemed to increase incrementally with speed. If not what the hell could it be? Worried about tranny wind up but it was all on snow with 4wd engaged which will surely allow enough slip to negate this?
b) can I just get the gaiter replaced or do I need the whole BJ from milners. Also (stupid question .. is it the upper or lower BJ?) See pic[IMG]

3. When we fitted the BJ spacers GWH suggested getting longer grease nipples to fit. Cant seem to find them anywhere. Any ideas?
On a side note, being a mechanical numpty, should CV and ball joint boots feel as if they are full of grease? My CV boots feel empty.
