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Engine Flush

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  • Engine Flush

    Been told i need to flush out any trace of old engine oil before putting a new turbo as any pooh left inside could wreck it.....my question is how the chuff do you flush an engine without stripping it ? bear in mind i cannot fire it up, it has no manifold on....also how do you turn a diesel over with out it bursting into life, can't just pull the dizzy cap off can i ????
    To release compression could pull heater plugs would that work?
    Thought maybe whip off the rocker cover and sloush some petrol about and let it drain down into the sump, spin it on the key a bit then drain the sump....any petrol left will evaporate or combust in me bottom end oh er missus.....is this a bad idea ????

    Remember arrows are silent.....................
    Don't forget to tell everyone its indestructable as seen on top gear.......

  • #2
    Originally posted by Paul1566 View Post
    is this a bad idea ????

    Ask over on the Oz site. They have some very firm believers in flushing who should be able to offer you cartloads of advice on the subject.


