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starting from cold

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  • #16
    Originally posted by huff_diggler

    That's cr@p!

    If the engine is running, then the oil is circulating.
    If you start and drive straight away before the oil has reached the camshaft and turbo, premature wear will occur.


    • #17
      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
      That's cr@p!

      If the engine is running, then the oil is circulating.
      If you start and drive straight away before the oil has reached the camshaft and turbo, premature wear will occur.

      ok... hang on thats better

      of course the oil is circulating. but you need pressure to maintain the circulation, cold oil is thicker and needs that extra nudge to circulate better while the engine is cold, sitting there on idle for 5mins from start don't get dem pressure up, no pressure ? etc etc
      The benchmark....


      • #18
        Originally posted by huff_diggler
        ok... hang on thats better

        of course the oil is circulating. but you need pressure to maintain the circulation, cold oil is thicker and needs that extra nudge to circulate better while the engine is cold, sitting there on idle for 5mins from start don't get dem pressure up, no pressure ? etc etc

        Letting the engine idle will warm the oil and it will circulate quicker and the pressure will be there when you drive away.

        Driving away without warming/circulating the oil will wear a lot of internal components as their clearances/tolerences will be greater 'cos they're COLD!!

        30/15............new balls please.


        • #19
          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
          Letting the engine idle will warm the oil and it will circulate quicker and the pressure will be there when you drive away.

          Driving away without warming/circulating the oil will wear a lot of internal components as their clearances/tolerences will be greater 'cos they're COLD!!

          30/15............new balls please.
          ok... any minute now someone will say actually he's right, and i'll say, see, told you so
          The benchmark....


          • #20
            Originally posted by huff_diggler
            ok... any minute now someone will say actually he's right, and i'll say, see, told you so

            I hope it's Razorhoof!


            • #21
              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
              I hope it's Razorhoof!

              I don't think you need to let it cool down these days.

              It makes sense to let the oil circulate a little bit before you stick your foot down and expect things to do hard work.

              That's what I reckon. Now where's me tuppence?
              Last edited by Sancho; 4 April 2007, 01:13.


              • #22
                IMO start up and drive, don't push the engine until it's up to normal temperature, no heavy foot from cold etc. but for a turbo diesel you 'should' let it idle down for a minute or 2, letting the turbo cool whilst oil is still being circulated. In reality i start up, put the cd player on and drive off trying not to spin the turbo til i get to the end of the road (500yds or so), then driving normally, not racing it or revving too high until it's had a few minutes to get up to temperature. And the idle down period consists of reversing onto the drive or parking up without revving, and as long as it takes to stash whatever i want to leave in the car, and pick up what i want to take with me. unless i've been on a long journey then i'll give it a good 5 minutes at tickover or occasionally pop the bonnet while it's running and idle it with the bonnet up for a while

                =SOLD UP!=


                • #23
                  Originally posted by nero279
                  IMO start up and drive, don't push the engine until it's up to normal temperature, no heavy foot from cold etc. but for a turbo diesel you 'should' let it idle down for a minute or 2, letting the turbo cool whilst oil is still being circulated. In reality i start up, put the cd player on and drive off trying not to spin the turbo til i get to the end of the road (500yds or so), then driving normally, not racing it or revving too high until it's had a few minutes to get up to temperature. And the idle down period consists of reversing onto the drive or parking up without revving, and as long as it takes to stash whatever i want to leave in the car, and pick up what i want to take with me. unless i've been on a long journey then i'll give it a good 5 minutes at tickover or occasionally pop the bonnet while it's running and idle it with the bonnet up for a while

                  i said nothing about pushing the engine, put your foot down from cold is also disasterous.
                  get in ,turn key, start engine, seat belt on, select gear, check mirrors-road clear, go...
                  thats what i'm talking about
                  The benchmark....


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by huff_diggler
                    i said nothing about pushing the engine, put your foot down from cold is also disasterous.
                    aye, agreed
                    =SOLD UP!=


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by huff_diggler
                      i said nothing about pushing the engine, put your foot down from cold is also disasterous.
                      get in ,turn key, start engine, seat belt on, select gear, check mirrors-road clear, go...
                      thats what i'm talking about
                      ..... What about putting your favourite tunes on the radio......
                      Bring me the head of a treehugger


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by coolsv650
                        ..... What about putting your favourite tunes on the radio......
                        true but my head unit has gone to kenwood for repairs(under warranty thank god ) so no tunes for me for a while

                        don't mind the gentle whistle of a garrett turbo, the clak of my diesil engine, perfect harmoney.

                        unless your on a motorway
                        The benchmark....


                        • #27
                          toyota say to just drive off, dont let it idle. lifes too short to wait 5 mins before driving off anyway. just dont trash it till the pressure and temp is up.

                          same as any other vehicle
                          TeaM BOFA4x4 Mac 2008


