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diesel filter/power loss

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  • diesel filter/power loss

    hi surfers,
    had a power loss problem on and off for ayear now,first it was there then just went away on ownso never found out what it was,but now its back a lot worse than before.
    now my last post on this a few weeks ago has vanished, but i was told to change diesel filter,this is now done as well as putting a lot of injection cleaner, but it has not worked.
    its getting me down!!!
    recap on problem is when the truck is being driven along it starts to lose power like it kangarooing along,if you stop truck it starts to stall and the rev counter drops and bounces up and down from around 1000rpms to 0.and its starting to blow smoke on gear change and when you accelerate .
    any ideas please,
    please dont say new turbo or i might take a hammer to it!!

  • #2
    Don't know how similiar the 3's are to the 2.4, but checking the vacuum
    pipes is always a good starting point for problems like this.


    • #3
      sorry to be a bit thick here! but are these the ones on the turbo?


      • #4
        Other side of the engine bay. The ones around the EGR unit and
        those UFO looking gold coloured things. The rubber hoses can deteriorate,
        leading to sucking air in, or just literally come loose.


        • #5
          Sounds like I had exactly that problem until today! (see my thread in electrical)

          My other halfs 3.0TD was displaying all those symptoms. Starting after about 5-6 attempts then no power when pulling away, white smoke, top speed 10-20 mph, ECU diagnostic code etc etc..

          Solved it this morning after we'd replaced the fuel filter yesterday. Changed the top part of the filter (the part with the primer) with one from a Ford pickup and hey presto, success! Although we did have to undo the injectors a couple of turns first to clear the lock. It seems that on our one the diaphragm was faulty and wasn't allowing the filter to fill with fuel. I'm not saying that this is the problem with yours but it's a good place to look. Not only that but it might be worth getting your fuel lines blown through with compressed air and maybe draining your tank of any silt that's in there.

          When I unscrewed the existing filter last night I was suprised to see so much gunk, and rusty corrosion inside! Not only that, I've put another inline filter before the main one and also an inline hand primer (much like you would see on a marine outboard motor).

          Best of Luck



          • #6
            will take a look at pipes this afternoon when it stops raining,if not that will look to possable replacement off primeing pump,would it show up a code if i did the flashy light test thing?


            • #7
              I can't be 100% certain, however after swapping out the bad unit for another one I hooked up the 'diagnostic probe' (paperclip) to the diagnostic connector and all I got was the code for 'everything ok'. I just hope it stays that way!

              Fingers crossed.


              • #8
                rain stopped so after climbing in to engine bay,pulled hoses off there seems to 2 small ones going to spaceship(think its a egr unit) as the hose on the other end is cable tyed up
                Both ok but for a little oily $$$$ on end of one, there also seems to be two connected by a y shaped connection going down behind engine,all seems ok there as well but i blow them through in case.
                will a lucinda prime pump fit as i know here there is oneat the s$$$$py??can you tell me where th injetor pipes are please,cheers dan


                • #9
                  Originally posted by madmax
                  rain stopped so after climbing in to engine bay,pulled hoses off there seems to 2 small ones going to spaceship(think its a egr unit) as the hose on the other end is cable tyed up
                  Both ok but for a little oily $$$$ on end of one, there also seems to be two connected by a y shaped connection going down behind engine,all seems ok there as well but i blow them through in case.
                  will a lucinda prime pump fit as i know here there is oneat the s$$$$py??can you tell me where th injetor pipes are please,cheers dan

                  on the right hand side of the engine have a look for these
                  Last edited by stormforce; 12 October 2008, 21:24.


                  • #10
                    oh yes, i found them,cheers,i was told they are a pig to get out!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by madmax
                      oh yes, i found them,cheers,i was told they are a pig to get out!!
                      I have never had to take them out on a surf so i would'nt know i have taken them off of agricultural vehicles and never had a problem but that aint no help here


                      • #12
                        it might not come to that anyway, thanks to all for your help so far.
                        just need to find if there is a straight forward replacement prime pump,apart from a surf one so i can just bolt it in place,
                        cheers dan


                        • #13
                          You could just replace the whole unit as Deano has done with a
                          Motorcraft (Ford) diesel fuel filter assembly. You should be able
                          to get a compatible one from a motor spares (new) for around
                          £40. Main difference is that it has a smaller filter canister, but
                          should be fine.

                          The thread is below:



                          • #14
                            will it bolt in to the existing holes in the bodywork?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by madmax
                              will it bolt in to the existing holes in the bodywork?
                              Probably not. A small amount of modding would probably be needed.

