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Cooking an engine!

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  • #31
    Thanks Marky, that helped a lot. I found the codes showing what the flashing meant on another site but it turns out there are bigger problems.

    I eventually took the car to another garage, a Toyota Dealership, and the carried out an assesment of the work that Freeway carried out.
    The results are:
    The battery that they replaced after having stolen mine is both incorrect and not secured.
    The primer that they supplimented with a bulb is incorrect and possibly malfunctioning.
    The air intake hose, which was already split, should have been replaced.
    The dipstick has been incorrectly refitted, (not sure to what degree without a more severe investigation)
    The turbo sensor wires have been torn out with no attempt to refit them.
    There are excessive oil leaks.
    There are bolts missing from the gearbox
    There's a manafold underneath that has been cracked and filled with some kind of filler.
    A number of wiring looms haven't been secured or are hanging loose.
    The temp sensors which have supposidly been replaced twice, are incorrect and have poor contacts.
    The glow plug wiring is open to short circuit.
    The vehicle is loosing coolant, either by leaking or burning.

    Not a bad list eh? And thats all they could find without taking the car apart and disturbing the imaculate work carried out by Freeway. I've now got to write to them, asking if they are willing to put things right or get another company to do the work and bill them.

    Problem is, I can't find anyone who will do the work if they refuse to sort things!!!!

    I was going to offically take the car off the road and get my road tax refunded but it runs out at the end of this month, and the MOT has just run out too.

    Mac The Wac


    • #32
      The phrase "Where's there's blame there's a claim" springs to mind here!


      • #33
        Originally posted by trekjock
        Thanks Marky, that helped a lot. I found the codes showing what the flashing meant on another site but it turns out there are bigger problems.

        I eventually took the car to another garage, a Toyota Dealership, and the carried out an assesment of the work that Freeway carried out.
        The results are:
        The battery that they replaced after having stolen mine is both incorrect and not secured.
        The primer that they supplimented with a bulb is incorrect and possibly malfunctioning.
        The air intake hose, which was already split, should have been replaced.
        The dipstick has been incorrectly refitted, (not sure to what degree without a more severe investigation)
        The turbo sensor wires have been torn out with no attempt to refit them.
        There are excessive oil leaks.
        There are bolts missing from the gearbox
        There's a manafold underneath that has been cracked and filled with some kind of filler.
        A number of wiring looms haven't been secured or are hanging loose.
        The temp sensors which have supposidly been replaced twice, are incorrect and have poor contacts.
        The glow plug wiring is open to short circuit.
        The vehicle is loosing coolant, either by leaking or burning.

        Not a bad list eh? And thats all they could find without taking the car apart and disturbing the imaculate work carried out by Freeway. I've now got to write to them, asking if they are willing to put things right or get another company to do the work and bill them.

        Problem is, I can't find anyone who will do the work if they refuse to sort things!!!!

        I was going to offically take the car off the road and get my road tax refunded but it runs out at the end of this month, and the MOT has just run out too.


        I would place a call to my friendly trading standards again with that list if the vehicle was an HGV it would have got a GV9 (immediate prohibition from use) and that would have just been for the oil leaks!

        If like you say most garages won't touch the vehicle now these idiots have been near it it could end up with another garage removing the engine to pull it apart. I wouldn't trust them to touch the thing again, they obviously havn't got a clue what they are doing!

        Armed with your list from toyota you could always sue them in the small claims court for damages, but they probably wouldn't pay anyhow.

        Garages......... Ive sh*t em!
        Bring me the head of a treehugger


        • #34
          I've got a number of a man who'll recover your money if you like for a small %.
          Not exactly small claims court stuff though...


          • #35
            Originally posted by corallus
            I've got a number of a man who'll recover your money if you like for a small %.
            Not exactly small claims court stuff though...
            being as they are a business, go through the small claims proceedure - it is quite easy, you have the evidence and it apears sound. Should they not pay it is a simple matter to recover your dough as they would be in contempt and the bailifs could find something that they could sell to settle.
            dont forget to inflate your claim to cover your time and agro - your expences you can add to the claim.
            If You are unsure go via trading standards or citizens advice - best of luck
            Did I mention I have a BLUE one


            • #36
              Originally posted by trekjock
              I recently took my Surf to the local garage after a brief loss of power followed by a knocking noise in what sounded like the top of the engine. I was told by the garage that I had cooked the engine and that it needed re-boaring, skimming, new shims, etc. 8 WEEKS LATER I finaly got the car back, however 173km down the road the same problem occured and I've been told that I've cooked it again.
              I think I'm beig taken for a ride (but not in my car!) as there was no signs of overheating and the day of the second occurance, I had only driven 5-6 miles.

              Has anyone else had a simular problem and if so how did you sort it. So far I'm £1938.75 out of pocket and the problem is still the same, and I still have no car...
              Contact the Trading Standards for the area the Garage is in. They are very helpful. I had a similar problem a few years ago and basically the law protects the villain. Firstly I hope you paid by credit card. If so you have hope.If the garage insists you pay to get your car back you must do so because guess what the law is on his side. Pay by credit card but write clearly on the payment 'Paid under duress'. Next contact the credit card and explain to them what has happened or in your case not happened. You may then have to have an inspection of the work done by an independant expert. The association of automotive engineers will be able to direct you to one. The credit card company should pay for this as it costs a few hundred pounds. If he finds that the work is below the required legal standard you may now start negotiation with the credit company to put the work right. Be warned it is a slow process but you may feel as I did that we should stand up to these rogues if only to help others . Good Luck.


              • #37
                Paid cash I'm afraid. (Yet another lesson learnt)

                I've spoken to the trading standards again and arranged to have the cursed thing looked at by another T S APPROVED garage and get a full estimate. Then it's time to hit the courts.....

                I was told by a friend that I can't claim costs in the small claims court, but there is a way around this. It's to do with letting the offending party, turn down an offer to settle out of court or something???

                Still, it's booked in tomorrow and we'll take it from there.

                ( might be looking for that guys number corallus if this goes south! )

                Keeping my fingers crossed
                Mac The Wac


                • #38

                  You need to know the figure it will cost to put right the work they have done. This is on the basis that they should now put you in the position you would have been in had the contract been performed correctly. Whilst you have been advised this is a small claim, that depends on how much you are claiming. If it's over £5k it can be a fast track claim in which case Solicitors' costs are payable and legal aid is available if you qualify financially ( check the legal services commission website). It's the cost to put it right we are talking about and not their invoice.

                  Don't forget you can make a claim for all your expenses in bringing the claim ie letters, telephone calls etc and for loss of enjoyment of the car, something for the road fund licence and MOT now run out. The judge will decide what is reasonable but only claim what you can substantiate with documentary evidence.

                  If it is a small claim you can claim some costs but these are very limited. The advice you received about this is half true. If you make an offer to settle it will make it more likely that costs will be awarded and they can be at a higher rate for Solicitors, but I am not sure about laymen, if you beat your offer which they reject.Tactically pitch it lower than the top line, but remember they may accept and you will need to meet the shortfall.

                  Check with the County Court staff, who are usually pretty helpful. You may need to take a look at the Civil Procedure Rules (on the Lord Chancellor's website) for any other specific info.

                  I hope this helps. Let us know how you get on.


                  • #39
                    Helps a lots thanks.

                    So far the new bill comes to just under £700 but it will go higher once the work is started. It seems the best way of knowing the true cost, is to just get the work done, and woory about getting re-embursed afterwards. But only because no-one can or will give me an absolute figure without carrying out extensive investigation, and that will add even more time to be without my car... and as my dad needs his car back soon, I'm looking alternatives.

                    Anyway, it's booked in for a "couple" of days from 1st March so that they can get going on it. They did mention a possible problem regarding finding a computer thats compatable, but then no-one seems to know a way around this!!

                    We'll just have to wait and see.
                    Mac The Wac


                    • #40
                      SHES BACK HOME AGAIN!

                      Well sort of...

                      The fine chaps at the new garage have sorted all but one of the problems left by Freeway out, and slightly cheaper than their quote too! One oil leak left which will cost me about £400 to sort with another engine place.

                      Only other glitch is the MOT, It's been off the road so long, it's run out. : Just bought the inner and outer rods ends for both sides and the idler and pitman, I'm gonna look tomorrow to see if I can find where they go. :shocked2

                      Not started the court action yet but will be soon!
                      Mac The Wac


                      • #41
                        the end

                        well guys I've finally given up. This car (that is STILL leaking oil from somewhere) has beaten me....

                        I've just part ex'd it for a new Mitsubishi Shogun Sport. Although I would rather have the surf, it's given me too many headaches and I've had well and truley enough.

                        I'm in the throws of taking the dam garage to court for the costs I've incurred and I'm washing my hands of the whole thing.

                        My last words on this matter are probably...

                        Don't buy a 2.4Ltr
                        Don't use a non specialist garage that looks a bit cagey (even if they can look at it now!!!)
                        And finally
                        Don't...... Under any circumstances....... No matter what they promise
                        *** DO NOT USE FREEWAY RECOVERIES OF HOOTON ***

                        I'll still check the site out from time to time and who knows what tomorrow will bring?

                        Thanks to everyone thats helped and supported me on this epic adventure (you know who you are!)

                        Stay lucky everyone and keep on surfin
                        Mac The Wac


                        • #42
                          always sad to lose a surfer due to a bunch of 'professionals' taking them for a ride.

                          good luck and i hope you are successful in getting at least some of the money back.
                          i swear, it was like that when i got here...

