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3rd gen calipers

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  • 3rd gen calipers

    Finally got around to replacing my front discs and pads today. Was all going so well until I came to put the last new pad in. I discovered that one of the pistons was seized. No prob I thought and went looking for a larger something or other to lever it back in. Hmm, didn't budge. Off with the caliper again and set about putting 2 small g-clamps on it. Well, 1 clamp broke in half cos I over tightened it and the other clamp wouldn't budge the piston either. Tried scraping some of the rust out from under the dust cover, also tried some wd-40 in the same place. I gave up in the end as it was getting dark and have put one of the old pads back in for now.

    So, other than any useful tips on freeing it, has anyone rebuilt or replaced 3rd gen calipers yet? If so, where did you get the parts/calipers from? Neither Milners or Roughtrax list 3rd gen calipers so this might be expensive if I have to go to Toyota!
    Oh, and what's the consensus on replacing one at a time or both at the same time?


  • #2
    Bigger g clamps
    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

    My 4x4
    My choice
    Back off


    • #3
      Rob, the pistons probably rusted in where the chrome has worn off the piston. Soaking it in deisel for a few days then connecting the brake line up again and using the brake pedal to push it out is probably your only chance of getting it out.

      If you can get the piston out, you may be able to hone the bore and just get new pistons and seals, otherways a new caliper is needed.

      You could clean your pistons up, and they'll be OK for a while, but once the chrome is gone, its only a matter of time till they get rusty and jammed again.

      Hopefully someone will know if a Landcruiser one is the same, and you can get an aftermarket one as Toyota will probably be spendy!

      Good luck.

      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


      • #4
        Thanks Tony


        • #5

          I agree with Tony.If they are badly rusted and seized then you really need two new calipers.Even if you clean them up and get them working they will seize again after a short time and you may end up with serious brake problems.For safety it's really not worth using the dodgy calipers.

          The landcruiser may be the same.Can you take a caliper to some auto parts supplier over there and get them to match it with something they stock?Hopefully you will find a non genuine caliper somewhere.Also ask on the Aussie site about replacement calipers and someone here may help with a part number or info on what will fit.



          • #6
            Thanks Nev. Heading off for a couple of days for work so unfortunatly the surf will have to wait til i get back Gonna miss it
            Not really, costing me too much money at the mo!


            • #7
              well... it's onlt 2 bolts... just nick one!.... but not mine!
              nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


              • #8
                Originally posted by da SLUG man
                well... it's onlt 2 bolts... just nick one!.... but not mine!
                Yours are probably worse than Robs......

                4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...

