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Toad Alarm

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  • Toad Alarm

    Ok I've tried the search tab but not found what I really need, My truck has a Toad alarm which I suspect is the Sterling model going by the fob, if you have the same perhaps you could give me some info on the thing, e.g. what the second button does and any info re programming TIA.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    on most toads, the second button silences the beep when you lock and unlock. does yours normally beep?


    • #3
      It's never beeped, just one flash for lock, two for unlock and the doors lock round about the same time as the glow plug chimes and unlock when you stop the engine. It does what it should I guess, just this second button thats a mystery, no joy from Toad. So now I'm off to hit the Vodka


      • #4
        Hopefully this is what you are looking for;
        The Sterling alarms are microprocessor controlled alarm systems

        When armed the system will trigger if it senses entry via doors boot or bonnet or detects movement via the impact sensors.


        A two button remote controls the system, and in case you loose or damage it there is a PIN Code procedure which disarms the system. There is also a procedure that enables new remotes to be programmed.
        Arming the System
        To manually arm the system and set the immobiliser, turn off the ignition, exit the vehicle, insure all doors, the boot and bonnet are closed then press button one on the remote. The siren will chirp and indicators flash once as confirmation of arming.If the alarm is connected to the vehicle central locking, the doors will lock. To arm the system silently press buttons one and two at the same time.
        Disarming the System
        Press button one on the remote.
        The indicators will flash and the siren will chirp twice. If the system is connected to the central locking the doors will unlock. If you do not enter the vehicle in thirty seconds, the system will rearm.
        For silent disarming, press button one and two at the same time.
        Disabling the Internal Sensor
        Should you wish to arm the system with the vehicle occupied, to disable the impact snsor, press button two immediately after pressing button one to arm the system. Both presses will be confirmed by a chirp and indicator flash.
        Two Stage Disarm
        To disarm the alarm system press button one. If the alarm system has been triggered, pressing button one should stop the alarm trigger but the alarm remains armed and the doors locked if connected to the central locking. To fully disarm the system, press button one again.
        Valet Mode
        This is recommended for vehicle servicing as the setting is remembered when the vehicle battery is disconnected
        Disarm the system.
        Turn on the ignitionand press and hold button two for three seconds
        The LED will turn on after three seconds and the indicators will flash three times as confirmation
        The system will remain in Valet Mode until button two is pressed with the ignition switched on.
        The siren will chirp three times as confirmation.
        Autolock with Ignition On PRO CL only
        If you have selected this option during installation, your vehicle locks automatically five seconds after switching the ignition on.
        If you open a door with the ignition on and before the locking pulse is issued, autolock will cancel to avoid being locked out.
        In Car Lock Unlock. PRO CL only
        If the vehicle has central locking, doors can be locked and unlocked from inside the vehicle by pressing button one on the remote when the ignition is switched on to lock and button two to unlock.
        Panic Mode
        Panic mode enables you to activate the alarm from the remote.
        To trigger the siren press and hold button one for three seconds.
        The siren will sound and the indicators flash. The immobiliser does not arm so you can drive away.
        Panic mode can be reset by pressing button one on the remote.
        Car Finder
        Pressing button one when the system is armed and the ignition off will cause the siren to chirp once and the indicators flash six times.
        Emergency Disarm
        To disarm the system in an emergency or if the remote is lost or has flat batteries, use the following procedure.
        When the vehicle is entered with only the key the alarm will trigger and the immobiliser remain armed.
        Switch the ignition on and off twice and then back on within seven seconds
        The LED will flash for three seconds.
        After three seconds the LED will flash once per second.
        Count the flashes and turn the ignition off after the number of flashes equal to your PIN Code.
        If the PIN is entered correctly the system will disarm
        Note, the default PIN setting is one but it can be set to any number between one and nine.
        Passive Arming
        If selected when installed, the alarm and immobiliser arm automatically after the ignition has been turned off and a door opened and closed.
        To prevent Passive Arming, open a door, boot or bonnet or select valet Mode
        Automatic Warning Signals
        To inform why the system has been triggered or that the vehicle is not protected.
        When arming if the indicators flash three times and the siren chirps three times, a door the boot or bonnet is open.
        If the indicators flash four times and the siren chirps four times when disarming this is confirmation the alarm has been triggered since arming.
        When the ignition is turned on, the zone triggered can be identified by the number of flashes from the LED
        2 Flashes Sensor
        3 Flashes Door
        4 Flashes Boot or Bonnet
        5 Flashes Ignition
        Remote Control Summary
        Arm Button One
        Arm without sensors Button One then Button Two
        Disarm Button One
        Silent Disarm Button One then Button Two
        Panic Mode Button one for three seconds
        Valet Mode Button Two for three seconds
        Car Finder Button Two

        Programming New Remote
        Turn the ignition on and off twice then back on within seven seconds
        The LED flashes fast for three seconds as confirmation
        After three seconds there is a one second break
        Count the flashes and turn the ignition off after the number of flashes equal to your PIN Code.
        Turn the ignition back on and press button one on the new remote to connect it to the system.
        Turn the ignition off
        Leave ignition off for ten seconds to programme the new remote.
        Last edited by Surf01; 30 August 2011, 17:19.


        • #5
          Get a certified car alarm installer to issue you with a certificate once they have checked the system. Saves a load on insurance premium and only costs ablut £30. Plenty of mobile ones around!


          • #6
            What an absolute star you are sir, as its dark at the moment I'll leave it before I start playing and will let you know what happens, all the basics seem to work as you describe. Thanks very much.

            And thanke to all who posted.


            • #7
              Right, all it does is lock/unlock doors with indicators (no chirp), auto lock on engine start, unlock on engine stop, passive lock if unlocked and key not in ignition and immobolises if key removed but doors not locked. Second button does nowt. So I guess it does everything I need but should maybe do more, doubt it's worth spending money on, at the end of the day its an "old banger" by modern standards and at under £400 FC insurance doubt I'll save much.

              Thanks for help though

