I wonder if any other 3.0 V6 owners have had this problem. If so, how did you sort it?
My runner (1994 UK 4Runner 3.0L V6 Petrol 3vze) runs on LPG, and has done for the most part of her life, I only recently bought her (97K on the clock), the head gaskett was done on the recall last year with Toyota.
I took her in to a LPGA certified, and reputable garage for a service for a filter change (as was advised by Sancho.....(thnx

However as he did not charge me for this service, hence he did not delve deeper to find out which cylinder it was.
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My solution would be to replace the entire cylinder head on both sides, is this nessasary?
Also is this going to be as easy as it sounds?
I'm a mechanically minded person, and can confidently replace most parts on vehicles, however, ive never really dug this deep in to the inner workings of an engine before.
The guy said that i was talking 3 figures for him to do it.
Any advice please, as im just about to spend money on cosmetics, and body lifts, and winches, and...and...and...
Is my engine fried???
