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secondery tapping in engine

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  • secondery tapping in engine

    Hi Every one.

    It Would seem i am in need of assistance like big time.
    Approx two month ago i whent out to excersize my baby as i was going into hostpital and would not be allowed out for a long time and would be in the prone position for quite a while.
    Anyway back to the problem i was in a training area i know up around otterburn and as i came over this ridge the front came down quite hard i did not pan the sump but i noticed a slite tapping niose coming from the top end of the engine know over the last two month i have knoticed this tapping is getting lowder and more servire.
    Now my Baby is a 91, 2.4Lt SSR Surf With a new head that has ownley dun 20,000.
    Also since the tapping started i have noticed that if i am crousing between 30 x 50 the engine seems to be ( not sure how to discribe it ) its like the engine is miss firing and the tapping is lower then also.
    Am i in deep do do or what SOS SOS
    She still drives well and the fule consumtion is the same as its always been ( 150 klm to the 1/4 tank)
    there is no iol or coolent leeks there is no lose of engine presure as i have had this checked.
    So Can anyone shed some light

    Tanks 00000
    ( )>>>
    Last edited by celticwolf; 7 December 2004, 14:14.

  • #2
    Is it a V6?


    • #3
      Take the rocker cover off and check all the tappets for worn, damaged or missing shims. That would explain tpping and missfiring.

      If it isn't that it could be a whole load of other things and would need to hear it to get more of an idea.



      • #4
        secondery tapping

        Cheers Everyone
        I Will Let you all know what happens and what it was soon as she is on the operating table as we speek.
        Hope To Meet some of you this year.
        I Truly Hope Each and every one of us has a grate christmas and an intoxicated NEW YEAR. But Not behind the wheel of our SURF.

