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Can I borrow a 1KZ-TE ECU for 1/2 a day ?

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  • Can I borrow a 1KZ-TE ECU for 1/2 a day ?

    On bended knee../.... grovelling in the dirt...

    I am in the Guildford area about 40 miles south west of London and I'm trying to identify a starting problem on a 1996 KZN185 3.0, Surf.

    Seems to be either ECU or fuel pump, and so I'm trying to get an ECU to plug and test before trying to buy one, or eliminating it from the investigation...

    If anyone has one that I can borrow I can pick it up (leaving suitable collateral, passport, youngest child, money etc) and try it in the car.

    It would be most helpful..
    Cheers, Boris

  • #2
    does it start at all
    the old git


    • #3
      Originally posted by bryanisaoldgit View Post
      does it start at all
      Thanks for your response.

      Since I last posted, I have found that the spill control valve relay was not working. It was clicking shut but the contacts were corroded so there was no continuity between them.

      Having cleaned the contacts, retested and replaced it I tried to start it last night, but it was hesitant and the battery drained out. So, battery is on charge and i will try again today.

      My concern now is that I have burnt out the solenoid on the SPV, (by putting 12V to it), although the resistance test on the SPV contacts gave a reading of 2.1 ohms which is in tolerance I think.

      Anyway I will try again today.


      • #4
        The car ran this evening with a newly charged battery, and was driven about 6km without any problem. So it appears the ECU and SPV solenoid are ok and the problem was the SPV relay.

        No need for the lend of an ECU. Thanks again for the response.

