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Seized Suspension Problem (free rotating bolts)

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  • Seized Suspension Problem (free rotating bolts)

    So, I appear to have stumbled at the first hurdle of removing shocks and suspension. Namely.

    The three bolts at the top of the shocks
    One unscrews fine.
    The other is a SOB but looks like it'll unscrew with the application of a spanner+hammer

    The third unscrewed to a point but now is stuck and if I try and screw/unscrew it the top doesn't move but what I assume is the bottom in the coil/shock just spins.

    Any advice? or should I just dremmel/cut that bolt off and buy a new one from Halfords? (that's assuming it _is_ a normal bolt and not something special.

    Edit : so i'm assuming that it's one of the three bolts in the top mounting plate (having seen the part in RoughTrax) Fine to dremmel off? or bad?

    The bolt at the bottom of the shock
    After much swearing, WD40 and more swearing I got it loosed and off and, thinking i was clever, I used a 'thingie' (think a screw driver with a blunt end) to gently tap the bolt out. What I didn't expect was that the wheel hub bit (not the suspension) would snatch upwards and trap it. I've stood on the hub to attempt to push it down a little - no joy. So now I have this blunt screwdriver thing trapped in there.

    again...any advice? (I was hoping that buy loosening the bolts at the top that it would drop enough...sadly I only have one bolt of 3/4 that's loose enough to fully remove so far.

    Currently the car's sat next to the drive on three wheels looking a bit sorry for itself
    Last edited by jesterminute; 23 June 2013, 12:46.

  • #2
    For reference.

    the bottom...


    and the top...



    • #3
      I you think about it for a moment, what do you think is happening with the weight of the suspension arms, drive shaft and wheel hub/disc assembly.
      You will probably need to support the weight of these components to retrieve your trapped screwdriver.


      • #4
        If anything I expected the wheel hub to drop slightly (to be needed to be supported by a block or something) I was mucho suprised when it actually went _up_.

        Still. I'll have another mooch and, as you say, see what can be supported


        • #5
          With the bottom one see if you can get the original bottle jack in between the arms and use that to push the lower mount down.

          Where have you supported / jacked the truck as this could be putting upwards pressure on it arm.


          • #6
            Originally posted by jesterminute View Post
            If anything I expected the wheel hub to drop slightly (to be needed to be supported by a block or something) I was mucho suprised when it actually went _up_.

            Still. I'll have another mooch and, as you say, see what can be supported
            Read this


            • #7
              He's trying to do the Tony method and do it on the bench with strut removed from truck


              • #8
                Any help?


                • #9
                  I ended up dremmeling the seized bolt off as it was just spinning in situ - basically it looks like the weld had given.

                  Once done I used the bottle jack to 'push' it back down until I could pull the screwdriver thing out.


                  (well...step one done).

                  Oddly a local old chap wandered by and mentioned he had garage type spring compressors (the ones like a big vice) so I'm taking the semi easy route by removing both front shocks, wandering around the corner to him. Getting the springs removed and replaced and then wandering back to my front wheelless surf and hopefully bolting them back into place again.

                  I'll probably need to replace the top plate for that dremmeled one but hopefully this'll get me most of the way there.

                  well that was the plan...untill the heavens opened up and I couldn't get the bolt for shock number 2 off. Waiting for the WD40 to do its magic and a break in the weather

                  Edit : Much thanks for the speedy advice all!


                  • #10
                    Sadly also ended up dremmeling the shit out of the top mounting as two of the bolts had removed themselves from their welding and were freewheeling.

                    My Truck is now a motorcycle until Tuesday - when my replacements from Milners arrives.

