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Prop Shaft/Transmission noise - help!

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  • Prop Shaft/Transmission noise - help!

    I have a 94 KZN130 auto surf and its developed a noise I cant really identify.
    The noise is like a metallic ringing, almost like a tea spoon being tapped against a cup. When I shift from reverse to drive or vice-versa it makes the noise above and also when moving off or putting engine under load. It isnt constant but can last a few seconds when under load. There is no wineing or grinding as I can tell.
    It seems to be coming from the area where drive shaft enters the gearbox or prop shaft. nothing seems loose. I originally thought it was a loose heat shield on exhaust as a clip was broken - fixed that yesterday but still there.
    Any ideas what this might be? I appreciate describing noises is pretty hit or miss
    but it might ring a bell with someone, and maybe there may be some posts on here relating to it but I havent found anything similar yet.
    Any suggestions would be helpful.

  • #2
    You need to get one or possibly two of these....

    There's one on each end of the propshaft, it's usually the one on the differential end that wears out first.

    DIY guide here....http://jeepin.com/features/ujoint
    Last edited by BUSHWHACKER; 14 April 2013, 12:12.


    • #3
      Thanks Bushwacker, hopefully its something as simple as a UJ, cant feel any play but if its sticking or starting to sieze guess it would be hard to feel.
      Thanks, will update this post when I replace UJs.


      • #4
        To confirm it is the prop shaft why not remove it. Put the surf into 4WD and test it. If the noise has gone then you know it's the prop shaft and you have lost much in time as you would need to remove it anyway to replace UJ joints. If the noise is still there then you know it's not the prop shaft. Did this recently myself to eliminate a rumbling sound.


        • #5
          Originally posted by diysurgeon View Post
          To confirm it is the prop shaft why not remove it. Put the surf into 4WD and test it. If the noise has gone then you know it's the prop shaft and you have lost much in time as you would need to remove it anyway to replace UJ joints. If the noise is still there then you know it's not the prop shaft. Did this recently myself to eliminate a rumbling sound.

          Thanks for the vote of confidence.


          • #6
            Take the prop off and drive it in 4wd!!! Eww!

            Just take it off and wiggle the uj. One or both will have a little play on the bearings.
            well, that was a bad idea!


            • #7
              Thanks for the comments, think Ill bribe my mechanic mate on this one as a bit snowed under with work at the moment.


              • #8
                Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                Thanks for the vote of confidence.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by muddle View Post
                  Take the prop off and drive it in 4wd!!! Eww!

                  Just take it off and wiggle the uj. One or both will have a little play on the bearings.
                  Not true I've replaced UJ's that appear fine but are in fact K/Od.
                  The Surf is a little lively in front wheel drive form but it's ok to eliminate UJ's.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                    Thanks for the vote of confidence.


                    • #11
                      This might sound weird but I had the same tinkling sound on my 3rd gen it was driving me mad. After a bit of mucking about I found it to be the split pin on the front hub nut rattling against the domed cover in the centre of the brake disc.
                      Might be worth a look before ripping into the prop shafts.

                      One of the most satisfying fixes I've ever done.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Dobbslc View Post
                        This might sound weird but I had the same tinkling sound on my 3rd gen it was driving me mad. After a bit of mucking about I found it to be the split pin on the front hub nut rattling against the domed cover in the centre of the brake disc.
                        Might be worth a look before ripping into the prop shafts.

                        One of the most satisfying fixes I've ever done.
                        I was hoping it would be something as simple as that but looked at it on ramps yesterday and the rear UJ is shot so ordered a couple of new ones and will take it from there - Thanks for the suggestion though.


                        • #13
                          Just thought Id update the thread. Both UJs been replaced now and problem cured. The old ones were really seized in and took some shifting (Im told).


                          • #14
                            Yay, I got something right!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                              Yay, I got something right!
                              Thanks Bushwacker you where bang on!
                              Thanks everyone else for your advice and suggestions.
                              I fully intended to have a crack at changing them myself but work has just gone mental at the moment. Think Ive got a radiator replacement coming up soon which I will do myself, but will post up a relevant thread when the time comes.

