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What shall I do with her?

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  • #16
    Without knowing your full circumstances, Between your own business and single parenting I think you will struggle to find the time to strip it for parts.

    I found out the hard way how much time and effort goes into stripping and selling these and you need the space. I have a garage full of parts and the truck at a mates yard which I get cheap. Without this being cheap it wouldnt be viable.

    I have to agree with the others that its far too nice to strip for parts I sold my last engine and box with only 78k miles on it for £450.00 yes its an expense but will be less than the hit you will take on either sale as is, buying something else or breaking for parts.

    Have you had an engine rebuild priced?


    • #17
      Shame that's hapened that truck looks very tidy. If it's as tidy as it looks I'm tempted to swap an engine myself !


      • #18
        Thanks for the replies. It is as tidy as it looks. Of course it has a few rough bits as they all do, but after viewing 3 Gen2s recently, it was better than all of them.

        It's parked up near a trusted mechanics at the moment, but as soon as I arrange a lift to go drive it back, I'll take some pictures of both inside and out and maybe someone will want it as a project. She's still drivable but rattley.

        I don't know of anyone willing to take on the job of sourcing an engine and swapping it and if I did, it's another thing to trust someone will source something decent in the first place and do the job properly. Either way, getting it all done just to sell it isn't a project that fills me with joy...

        As I say, I only learned after I bought her about 4/5 years ago that a black manual was quite a find and even more so in good nick.


        • #19
          How bad exactly is the tapping?
          Have you had a second opinion?

          I think you will find that there are many many garages out there who are at least quite capable of misdiagnosis and then more than willing to charge a fortune to cover their tracks, and some who are just out and out crooks.

          These pages have seen their fair share of examples of these.

          IMHO I would seek another opinion or if possible could you record the engine noise and stick it on here for someone else to confirm the diagnosis, if the truck is as good as you say what have you to lose?


          • #20
            Originally posted by solidpro View Post
            My prob is that I am a single dad with 2 kids and this car was my workhorse that got us all about.
            If you needed it, you should have looked after it better.

            The truck is only worth what someone will pay for it, fixed or fcuked. I'd give you £500 for it. I reckon it's only worth £1,500 fixed.
            Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


            • #21
              I'd go as far as £600 sight unseen and look to do engine swap myself.


              • #22
                Hi all

                The mechanic is a family friend and doesn't want to do the job as much as I know he is capable of doing so as he did an engine swap on a Golf for me years ago. I think he's getting a bit older now and has a big enough client base just to do run of the mill stuff and would rather keep one of his two ramps clear and usable in a cramped garage than something taking it up for weeks. I do trust his opinion though - he used to be a Mitsubishi mechanic and we live in the sticks so tends to do 'agricultural' vehicles as well as plenty of diesel and 4wd day to day.

                I'll see if I can get a recording in a day or two and post it on here. It's noticable but not so much as you think something is seriously wrong - it's more that I've been driving her for about 5 years and I can feel the power is very so slightly down that makes me know something is up. It taps "like a machine gun" as I've read in other threads on here to the tune of revolutions of the engine. It gets quieter the higher above say 30mph you get and not just because of road noise.

                I'll also get some more pics.

                I'd go as far as £600 sight unseen and look to do engine swap myself.
                Let's talk once I've followed up on this post.

                Last edited by solidpro; 14 January 2013, 20:24.


                • #23
                  Could it be driven away or would it need a hand, can always do the aa lol


                  • #24
                    I'm told it will drive for a while longer the way it is.


                    • #25

                      Can I have your contact details please.


                      • #26
                        I've started a new thread because having driven other vehicles in the last month, every time I have to drive her (briefly) she just ROCKS too much for me to want to sell her. Plus having seen so many other dogs, I know she is a good un.

                        Here is an audio clip of the engine (right click, save as):


                        I'd like to get the engine swapped. Anyone know where I might start?


                        • #27
                          I would start by getting some help with this dog fixation you seem to have.

