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Camshaft / pulley alignment for timing belt

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  • Camshaft / pulley alignment for timing belt

    Hello ppl.

    3.0 1kzte - timing belt

    I was carrying out a DIY timing belt replacement and whilst the timing belt was off the camshaft pulley moved a few turns due to my own error. Re-aligned the 2 timing marks which I had marked (I always use my own marks on Landcruisers without turning any pulleys) and fitted the belt, turned the crank by hand but it will only turn 90degrees or so before it locks

    The engine has NOT been started or even attempted.

    The pump pulley or crank was not moved whilst belt off.

    Obviously the camshaft has moved resulting in a valve (or more than one valve) has moved to catch piston when I try to turn the crank.

    How can I re-align the camshaft/valves and get going again?

    Thank you all in advance.

  • #2
    I believe I need to remove the belt, turn the crank till it nearly locks then turn both the cam and crank at the same time ... cannot remember the procedure exactly so will appreciate your kind help.



    • #3
      Turn the crank bolt back the 90 degrees you turned it then remove the belt and align the marks you made.

      Why didn't you just use the toyota indicators on the crank pulley , camshaft and fuel pump pulley ?


      • #4
        I have never done a belt on a 1kz before, but on the 1hdt/1hdft 4.2 engines I found it too much hassle having to remove the 6 injectors and turning the crank to get the marks and all the rest ... just being lazy I guess.
        So I did the same, marked both pulleys, removed belt then ... quite stupidly managed to move camshaft pulley more BEFORE refitting belt.

        Once I turn it back with belt on, pump pulley aligned, do I then remove belt, turn cam pulley to align marks and just refit belt? would that do it?

        Do I need to turn cam more than 1 turn?


        • #5
          Forget your marks and do it the right way. Use the factory timing marks. Can't understand why people do this. Align cam mark (if it will without interference) so number four valves are both closed and one or other opens if cam is moved forward or back. If not then move crank a little at a time, clockwise or anticlockwise till you can. It will take a bit of fiddling to get it there but it will all align eventually. When cam and crank are on the timing marks fit the belt, turn engine over via the crank slowly and check there is no interference.



          • #6
            There's no pump pulley. It's gear driven.



            • #7
              Bit of a problem here...

              In your 1st post you said you moved the camshaft pulley while the belt was off, re-aligned it then re-fitted the belt.

              Now you're saying you fitted the belt after moving the camshaft.

              Are you sure it's not just the compression of the engine making you think it's locking ?


              • #8
                Originally posted by NiftyNev View Post
                There's no pump pulley. It's gear driven.

                So what does the timing belt connect the camshaft to then ?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by wishbone View Post
                  Bit of a problem here...

                  In your 1st post you said you moved the camshaft pulley while the belt was off, re-aligned it then re-fitted the belt.

                  Now you're saying you fitted the belt after moving the camshaft.

                  Are you sure it's not just the compression of the engine making you think it's locking ?
                  Yes the camshaft pulley moved out of place whilst the belt was off (it turned past the the point of resistance you get when you turn the cam) , and yes I re aligned the 2 marks i made before refitting the belt.

                  I don't think it's compression ... I thought I heard a very light metallic (clink just before it locked up)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by wishbone View Post
                    So what does the timing belt connect the camshaft to then ?
                    I believe Nev is correct, there is timing gear behind the metal front cover.

                    I called it "pump pulley" just to make it easier to understand as it sits just in front of the injection pump, the lower pulley of the 2 pulleys that the belt drives.

                    ( A true gear driven system never has a "timing belt" like a Nissan TD42 or a Merc om346)


                    • #11
                      Yep I've had all the gears out on one of my 3.0's..

                      However in front of all those gears is a 'pulley' which drives the camshaft 'pulley' via a timing belt.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by wishbone View Post
                        So what does the timing belt connect the camshaft to then ?
                        Sorry got a bit confused there. The belt does connect to the pump and cam.

                        I think you still have to realign the timing by trial and error, by removing the rocker cover and checking the valves.



                        • #13



                          • #14
                            OK. I have ignored my own marks to use original marks instead.
                            Turned the crank and cam to get the marks to the marks, both cam marks are aligned BUT the crank mark looks like it just off by 1 or 2 cm.

                            I have taken these pictures for, what do you think?



                            • #15
                              look in the sticky section as there is a full list for the 3.0 1kzte timing

