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Air con pump

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  • Air con pump

    Me and the wicked witch had a couple of days out this week,Anglesey on Monday and then Whitby yesterday,the weather was glorious for both days so we had the air con on.Switched it on this morning and theres a loud squeeking noise,seems to be from the pulley area of the pump,air con is working o.k.,noise starts( can only really describe it as a loud clicking or ticking )as soon as the air con is switched on,noise goes away as soon as you switch it off.pulley belt is a slightly loose but not too much,I know the clutch mechanism works magnetically and wondered if it was possible to strip it down,remove a shim and see if that cures it.

    Any ideas gratefully received. Ta

  • #2
    you could loosen the belt and check the pully for wear.
    Roughtrax do a replacement pully (i think).
    I had to re-tension my belt the other day.
    If yours is a KZN130 then it's simple.
    The pully has the adjuster on it. Slacken the nut in the middle then you can tension the belt with the screw on the top. Don't go too tight, about a 1/4 turn of flex is enough. Tighten the nut up again and give it a try.
    Sorry if you know already. I had just forgotten how simple it was



    • #3
      I had a squeely aircon pump, give it a really good blast of compressed are in and around the clutch. Dust gets trapped in here, I used to blow it out and then a wee spray of WD40, worked a treat.New clutches are a bit pricey.


      A mere £336.

      yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."

