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AC probs

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  • #16
    Have you tried adding gas from the bottle, you do it with the ac switched on

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    • #17
      yes. i set ac to cold and max as per instructions. added a little to see if it would move the guage. this took it right to the top of the blue when fan and pump clutch isnt engaged and at the bottom of the blue when pump and fan are engaged.

      hope that makes sense



      • #18
        shameless bump

        anyone any other ideas before i get it checked out by a specialist.

        cheers y'all


        • #19
          Not really but Im wondering why you would check it with the fan and clutch disengaged ( or a/c off in other words) There will be a difference , you are basically looking at compressor suction pressure which will be to the lower end of the blue when running, When compressor is off ( or clutch/fan disengaged) the suction pressure will increase. That is why gas can only be added with compressor on.

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          • #20
            Originally posted by Bogus
            Im wondering why you would check it with the fan and clutch disengaged ( or a/c off in other words)
            because it keeps disengaging itself?


            • #21
              Sancho - correct. All the time iv had the surf the when the ac button is pressed the clutch and fan engages as you would expect. After that it continuously engages and disengages itself as if its connected to a thermostat or similar so only engages when the temp rises above x degrees. Not sure if it meant to do that. So to sum up when the ac was working all the time the ac button is pressed the clutch is continuously engaging and disengaging but at random. Sometimes it would be engaged for longer periods.

              Now that the ac is not working - all of the time the button is pressed the clutch and fan engage but straight away disengages. About 20 secs later it engages again; then disengages after 2 – 3 secs. It continues like that for as long as the button is pressed.

              What happens to the ac clutch and fan on your trucks when the ac button is pressed? Is the clutch and fan constantly engaged or is it like mine?

              Bogus – are you suggesting that my ac may have had a fault from the start and the clutch and fan have been tripping out for whatever reason but now the problem has got worse?

              Hope that makes more sense it’s rather difficult to explain. All of my testing has been done with the ac button pressed.

              my head hurts


              • #22
                Originally posted by Sancho
                because it keeps disengaging itself?
                Yup, I considered that,but wanted to be sure, thats why I asked. Apart from that, there could be a problem with the expansion valve, or the filter/drier/accumulator thingy, in that the compressed liquid is not getting through the system, causing the suction pressure to drop to the point where it all just cuts out. Sounds like he needs to visit an a/c man in any case if adding gas hasnt helped.

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                • #23
                  if the surf air con system is anything like the soarers then if you are low on gas there is a pressure switch that disengages the clutch so as not to damage the compressor, due to low gas and consiquently lubrication.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by soramad
                    if the surf air con system is anything like the soarers then if you are low on gas there is a pressure switch that disengages the clutch so as not to damage the compressor, due to low gas and consiquently lubrication.

                    Yep, thats how the system works in Surfs too.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Bouf_2001

                      Bogus – are you suggesting that my ac may have had a fault from the start and the clutch and fan have been tripping out for whatever reason but now the problem has got worse?

                      my head hurts
                      I think I probably am. As I said it will cut out on low suction pressure and that happens when theres no gas or when temps in the cab are very low so the expansion valve closes in. One more suggestion, put the heater on as well to keep the cab warm then see what it does. It is bl00dy cold out now so not a great time for a/c diagnostics. You wont feel cold air blowing but at least youll see if the clutch stays engaged for a bit longer. It starting to look like a blockage somewhere in the system or a goosed expansion valve

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                      • #26
                        What happens to the ac clutch and fan on your trucks when the ac button is pressed? Is the clutch and fan constantly engaged or is it like mine?

                        AC compressors do engage and disengage they are not engaged all the time.The time lapse between engaging and disengaging depends on how low your temp setting is. ie cold clutch engages for longer.
                        Sounds like a gassing problem or drier to me but I am no expert, best get it checked out.
                        Trust your Hound.


                        • #27
                          its sounds more and more like a blocked filter/drier. Gas goes in upstream of this and pressure looks good. Low suction trip is downstream. I believe the filter/drier is full of dessicant which can degrade. Im sure it must be that but look forward to hearing what it actually is

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                          • #28
                            cheers for the replys guys.

                            ill get it checked at some point over the xmas period and update according.

