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Urgent!!Help needed

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  • #16
    Originally posted by marky
    This is off DVLA Website for starters.

    The vehicle details for ****** are:

    Date of Liability 01 07 2007
    Date of First Registration 01 07 2005
    Year of Manufacture 1994
    Cylinder Capacity (cc) 2000CC
    CO2 Emissions 0g/Km
    Fuel Type Petrol
    Export Marker Not Applicable
    Vehicle Status Licence Not Due
    Vehicle Colour SILVER
    Vehicle Type Approval
    The information contained on this page is correct at the time of enquiry.
    Vehicle Excise Duty Rate for vehicle
    6 Months Rate £99.00
    12 Months Rate £180.00

    Got to be worth £3000.00 then

    No registered keeper then??

    Or is that confidential??

    Still working for the man!


    • #17
      Due to the DATA PROTECTION ACT (red tape etc) PNC'S are recorded on the Database which can lead to Disciplinary Action being taken.
      So i cannot obtain any Info for you BUGGA!


      • #18
        I'd be tempted to flog it to someone/the garage for parts or ringing maybe, and I say "tempted" because that would be illeagal and I'd never do anything illeagal!?

        But I'd be TEMPTED!!

        Still working for the man!


        • #19
          Is it illegal to apply for the documents and see what happens????? or has anyone else got any ideas????


          • #20
            I thought the DVLA had to give out owners details if the car parked on your ground, which I guess it is. Try phoning the DVLA and say the car is parked on your drive, the police won't get involved as civil matter and ask if you can obtain owner's details.



            • #21
              Originally posted by Ianman
              Is it illegal to apply for the documents and see what happens????? or has anyone else got any ideas????
              to quote the DVLA "the registered keeper is not necessary the legal owner" there could be outstanding HP or similar on it.

              As far as I am aware there is no law that states you cannot apply for the registration document.

              What happened to the dealer, has he just disapeared or is there any signs of a receiver being involved. I suppose plan B could be to report it as "lost property" to the police, if he dosent claim it back I think it can then be given to you, if he does decide to claim it back you could have a word about the head (most possibly with a piece of 3x2)

              I would also start to hassle the warrenty company, if their warrenty does not have a clause excluding cracked heads then make sure they are aware that it is a known problem, as they may be treating it as an simple overheat (which would be misuse). Also as previously suggested speak to trading standards, also make a formal complaint to the insurance ombudsman

              http://www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk/ (whilst checking around it looks like the financial ombudsman now deals with insurance problems)

              hope this all helps
              Bring me the head of a treehugger


              • #22
                Thanks for the help everyone, will keep you all posted of developments


                • #23
                  You may find that you are legally entitled to the car. If the dealer owes you money which he does cos he sold you a duff car, with a duff warrenty, and he is not able to pay you, you can take goods to the value of, if you know a balif go speak to him, You would not be guilty of theft if youcan proove you were entitled to the money/goods I think that is is coverd under section 2 of the theft act 1968.
                  SWIFT AND BOLD


                  • #24
                    Ok Developments!!!! Managed to track down other partner of company! He has set up under a new name elsewhere.He says he was unaware of all this going on and that i had a courtesy car, other partner is due back from spain today.He has spoken to warranty company and says im not covered if head is cracked, apparently bollocked the workshop and they are supposed to be giving me a trade price to get head done. I dont think i should be paying anything!! He is going to speak to the other guy on monday and contact me then.Not many options now , i aint got the money to fork out to pay for the head even if it was a grand, so question is what now ???? if they wont pay for it to be done what use is my truck with the head knackered,my point is im worse off now than i was 7 WEEKS AGO when he took it off me, at least it was driveable if only just


                    • #25
                      get wheel clamp for the courtesy car or block it in with your wifes on an evening and tell the dealer he can have it back when yours is fixed free of charge
                      if he decides to get fruity about it just let him know that he sold you a car not fit for the purpose intended so surely is in breech of the contract you have
                      i presume he sent you to the garage that is now trying to rip you off?
                      if that is the case pay nothing as he sent you so he is liable for the bill because as far as you were concerned it was a warrenty issue due to them selling you a faulty car

                      if all this fails and all legal avenues are exhausted just keep the courtesy car until he gets a court order for you to return it!! may take months!!
                      just how well does the courtesy car donut and handbrake turn anyway?

                      oh p.s.
                      ive used stevo and id trust him to sort it for you he'll not see you wrong he wont rob you blind
                      if you need someone to collect the car and drop it at stevos im happy to tow a trailer with it on for free (within reason) (sat or sunday)
                      i think someone on here must have a trailer we can borrow for a day?
                      Last edited by shaggy; 21 April 2007, 17:35.
                      at the end of the day................ it gets dark


                      • #26
                        THANKS SHAGGY!!! thats an amazing offer mate and much appreciated , Yes you are right in thinking that it is one in the same robbing ba****d garage the dealer uses, but thing is he delivered the car to them himself so as you said i shouldnt have any contact with the garage just the dealer, anyhow the subaru is covered up and secured in more ways than one so it aint goin anywhere!!! By the way it does go and handle well!!!!!! Should be hearing from the dealer again on monday.


                        • #27
                          the offer is there mate and it will stand
                          im afraid im not up on the law much and tend to resort to losing my temper when confronted with $$$$s like you have had to deal with
                          at the end of the day................ it gets dark


                          • #28
                            END RESULT..... Eventually did deal with dealer , he gave me 2k for truck way it was and i get to take all the extra bits i put on , i.e A bars, lamps, wheel cover etc. Not what i wanted but it put an end to a miserable couple of months.So these will be up in the sale section when i get some pics up.Many thanks to all those who gave advice and those kind offers of help Lessons learned for me!!

