Hi all
just been for a run when warmed to opperating temp light comes on over 900 rpm, fine on tickover ..750ish I dont know what can cause this to light but have checked water, oils etc, revs freely, turbo whistles under 1800 revs
any sugestions, I don't want to bu**er up my new engine
come on guys
I have done a search
all the info I have found relates to 2.4 &2.8's
is mine the same by any chance?
I'm getting withdrawal symptoms not driving the beast
its a nice sunny day and I wanna go on dartmoor to play
Right guys,
ignored engine type, followed instructions for getting test codes - now even more confused I got a 9 3 any ideas, pleeeesss,
just been for a run when warmed to opperating temp light comes on over 900 rpm, fine on tickover ..750ish I dont know what can cause this to light but have checked water, oils etc, revs freely, turbo whistles under 1800 revs
any sugestions, I don't want to bu**er up my new engine
come on guys
I have done a search
all the info I have found relates to 2.4 &2.8's
is mine the same by any chance?
I'm getting withdrawal symptoms not driving the beast
its a nice sunny day and I wanna go on dartmoor to play
Right guys,
ignored engine type, followed instructions for getting test codes - now even more confused I got a 9 3 any ideas, pleeeesss,