Cheers for that, just filled up again and calculated it at 17.2Mpg. That is purely for short trips. I have recieved my Milners filter kit in the post this morning, going to fit those at the weekend. When I looked at the air filter, it seemed to be really black and full of all sorts of crap.
Not sure about the overdrive being off, as I understand it, turning the overdrive off (so the light on the dash comes on), only stops it from going into top gear. Between my home and work (about 5 miles), I hardly ever get into top gear. I could give it a try though.
Not sure about the overdrive being off, as I understand it, turning the overdrive off (so the light on the dash comes on), only stops it from going into top gear. Between my home and work (about 5 miles), I hardly ever get into top gear. I could give it a try though.