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Fuel Injection Pump

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  • #16
    Connected the air filter again and made sure that all sensors and all plugs are connected, started it up and although difficult to start, it did start on it's own without the help of any aerosols lol. Still seemed a bit off though, so, Removed the timing cover again and spotted that when the crank and can timing marks were lined up, the IP mark on the pulley was sitting a little bit before the mark on the housing. loosened the timing belt and tried to adjust the IP pulley by one tooth, now when the crank and cam marks are lined up the IP pulley mark sits a little after the mark on the housing.

    Does the timing mark on the IP pulley need to be lined up precisely?

    Is there any way of locking all the pulleys in place so I can just slip the belt over them?


    • #17
      See my little tip here http://www.hiluxsurf.co.uk/showthrea...t=80770&page=2 regarding the belt.

      If you want the pump pulley to stay in place I think you can screw a bolt into one of the holes used for a puller. Just make sure if you do this you remember to take it out. Never done this myself so have a look.



      • #18
        Thanks Nev, I'll give that a try, going to have to be the weekend again now though.


        • #19
          Sorted the timing out. Now, all the timing marks line up. Engine runs a lot better, however it won't start now, it turns over ok and even coughs a little but won't fire up.
          Started it after setting the timing with the help of an aerosol, left it on tickover until it warmed up a little and then turned it off. Tried restarting it and it fired up instantly, the next night though it wouldn't start on it's own. The batteries have been fully charged and still it won't start.
          So, now thinking it has to be something small that's preventing it. Everything is connected / plugged in, there's no leaks anywhere, so that just leaves the glow plugs or the fuel supply.
          Tomorrow, I'll investigate the fuel supply side and report back. Then it has to be the glow plugs, hopefully it'll be sorted soon.

