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Engine Removal

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  • #31
    Thats great Nev, thanks again.

    busy today so will have a look at it again later.


    • #32
      Managed to get a chance to spend some more time trying to find out where the vacuum pipes and brackets go. Some searching on the forum brought up many threads on removing the EGR system / blocking it off etc, from what I understand, I should be ok to follow the procedure in the link below


      In picture three in the above link, are these brackets and pipes then redundant? Can they just be left off the engine altogether?

      I've also found a socket / connector of some sort on the side of my engine block (2.4 diesel) just above the starter motor, its gold or copper in colour and looks as though it needs to have something connected to it, can anyone let me know what?
      Sorry no pics as yet of it

      Thanks in advance


      • #33
        So, is it safe to assume the lack of response means removing the EGR system is a good thing then?


        • #34
          Originally posted by RebelV8 View Post
          So, is it safe to assume the lack of response means removing the EGR system is a good thing then?
          Yep, doing it that way in the link is ok as it retains the smooth shutdown of engine, with the vacuum hoses modified but not operation of the small butterfly otherwase. If you prefer to also have engine braking (on a manual) via the small butterfly then the other VSV that operates this will need to be kept operational.

          Last edited by NiftyNev; 26 August 2013, 03:02.


          • #35
            ECU coolant sensor is above starter motor.



            • #36
              Great, thanks Nev.

              Just need to find the plug that goes on the ECU coolant sensor now then, lol

              Thanks again for both replies Nev


              • #37
                Been a productive few days, removed the EGR valve altogether and made my own blanking plates from some stainless steel I had lying around (think they came out really well and they fit, lol - pics to follow).

                I seem to be getting really close to trying to start it now, the closer I get though, the more I start worrying that I've done something wrong or it will go bang when it starts for the first time

                When I fit the blanking plates permanently, do they just bolt in place of the EGR pipework using the gaskets or do they need some form of sealant as well?


                • #38
                  The original gaskets should b fine if they r in ok condition, but a bit of sealant never hurts
                  ALL THE GEAR!............no idea!


                  • #39
                    Here's a pic of the blanking plates I made,
                    Attached Files


                    • #40
                      Need some help with the two pictures in this one though, in the first pic, where does the plug with the yellow circle round it go? it's attached to the part of the wiring loom that also has the plug on it for the starter motor (the cable with the upside down number 3 on it), so I know it goes round there somewhere but can't find a socket for it.

                      In the same pic, is the ring connector just an earth lead? if so, does it bolt to the engine block?

                      I know the two ring connectors with the orange circle round them are for the glow plugs and the plug that can be seen at the bottom of the pic is from the EGR valve that I've removed.

                      In the second pic, is this ring connector, circled in blue, just an earth cable? if so, where does it go?

                      Thanks in advance
                      Attached Files


                      • #41
                        Blue one is your glow plug power and comes up through the manifold to the stud on top iirc. There's a plastic insulator or two that go with it.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by wishbone View Post
                          Blue one is your glow plug power and comes up through the manifold to the stud on top iirc. There's a plastic insulator or two that go with it.
                          Correct. There's a stud on the top of manifold that the glow rail connects to. These wires go there with two insulators.


                          Yellow circled plug could be for the Coolant Sensor above starter motor.

                          Green circled wire I think is from the head to body somewhere. Will try and remember the details.



                          • #43
                            Originally posted by NiftyNev View Post
                            Correct. There's a stud on the top of manifold that the glow rail connects to. These wires go there with two insulators.


                            Yellow circled plug could be for the Coolant Sensor above starter motor.

                            Green circled wire I think is from the head to body somewhere. Will try and remember the details.

                            Thanks Wishbone and Nev. I thought that the two ring connectors, circled in orange in the first pic were for the glow plugs or do they also attach to the stud?


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by RebelV8 View Post
                              Thanks Wishbone and Nev. I thought that the two ring connectors, circled in orange in the first pic were for the glow plugs or do they also attach to the stud?
                              If those two have a ring connector with one small and one large hole, they are probably the glow plug resistor wires. It's under the manifold. Corect connection here -


                              Note that there is also an insulator on this. Ring connector with large hole first then insulator and then connector with small hole, then nut.



                              • #45
                                Thanks Nev,

                                Really confused about trying to connect these final bits up though, I found a stud sticking out from the inlet manifold, horizontally, I've attached the wires circled in blue to that. I tried to connect the ring connectors circled in orange to the stud that sticks up from the inlet, but they just will not reach that far?

                                Having read and re-read the replies so far regarding these connections, I'm now thinking that I have misunderstood the replies.

                                Am I right in saying that the connection that I have circled in blue goes on the stud that the glow rail bar attaches too?
                                Therefore, is there another stud that points downwards underneath the inlet manifold that the ring connectors circled in orange attach too?

                                Thanks in advance

