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One problem sorted, fuel pump problem discovered

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  • One problem sorted, fuel pump problem discovered

    After getting flat batteries last Thursday I decided to get some new ones and found 2 for £120 from Advance Battery Supplies. Arrived, prompt delivery and well packaged and with opposite battery terminals too.

    Getting to the point of this post, this morning I decided to test the alternator was actually working and was annoyed to find that it appeared not to be so went hunting underneath in case there was a loose wire.

    It was at this point I noticed a fairly steady "waterfall" of what smelt like Diesel.

    Got it checked at a garage to be told a) Alternator is actually fine, b) fuel pump is leaking and c) we can't fix it!

    So just spent 2 hours reading back posts about fuel pumps on these pages and have decided that I am far to unskilled to attempt a fuel pump extraction and too far from pay day to get someone to do it, so I am going to have a crack at fixing the top seals that other members have said is a fairly straight forward job and hope this fixes the problem.

    If anybody has any advice to add that may be beneficial for when I do this I would gratefully appreciated?
    Leaky Surf

  • #2
    top seals are easy mate!! I was daft enough in the hay day to run my old surf on veg oil which the seal cant handle. I changed it no prob!! Other seals on pump, i dont know? But its only nuts and bolts. Whats comes off last goes one first!!
    What comes around goes around!!


    • #3
      Its pretty easy.

      Get the airbox and all the other stuff out the way, check the fuel leads for splits and wear (you should then be able to see clearly if its leaking from the top (you can spot it easy enough though), just watch you dont pull the wire that is inside)

      Hope it sorts your pump out.

      P.s just to make you aware though, when i sorted the top seals on my pump it put extra pressure on the other aged seals and caused them to rupture a couple of days later...was going through a bit of a bad luck patch at the time right enough

      The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


      • #4
        Cheers guys.

        Never thought about the consequences of the other seals being put under extra strain. I will keep my eyes on that once I've (hopefully) fixed the top seal.
        Leaky Surf


        • #5
          Hey good luck with it & this is where it will be coming from on the top of the pump, in addition this is the wire to look out for...
          Attached Files
          The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


          • #6
            Just thought if it does go a bit pear shaped with the other seals (mine went at the bit on the pic and another place....cant remember where i got the pic from but thanks to whoever it was as i couldnt describe where it was!).

            I believe most can be changed in situ (if you have about six hands and elastic arms!), bar the back one and the plate on the block.

            Oh and ……top seal if haven’t seen this already… http://www.toyotasurf.asn.au/techsite/fuelpump.htm

            The hassle I had but some of the info might be helpful http://www.hiluxsurf.co.uk/showthread.php?t=77403

            Thanks agin to everyone who helped me out & hope this helps someone or just for info!

            Attached Files
            Last edited by wiggy; 23 November 2012, 12:28.
            The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


            • #7
              Thanks again folks.

              Wiggy, it was the topic you posted which was one of the ones that gave the idea I might bee able to do it. Cheers for posting it.

              I've just been out and had a look and boy is there a lot of stuff to unbolt just to get to it so because I have to be somewhere soon I didn't strip everything out so can't be 100% sure where the leak is coming from but it is definately dripping from the bottom right (car is on level ground) near to the part where the four pipes come out.

              (Tried posting a pic but don't have a photo hosting account anywhere yet)

              It looks most likely it is near the part Wiggy pointed out on his picture with the soaked table, I'm sure I read this part (for torx bolts holding it to pump main body) is the part where things will fly out if I try and do this dob in-situ right?
              Leaky Surf


              • #8
                Theyre allen bolts, 4 or 5 mm and yes, things will come out and you cant put them back in without the pump stood on end.
                well, that was a bad idea!


                • #9
                  Cheers for confirming that Muddle,

                  I knew I'd read a post saying bits flew out and couldn't be returned with the part in situ but forgot which end it was an about.

                  Time to figure out a plan c
                  Leaky Surf

