Hey all, i have a 1991 Hilux surf 2.4 TD since i got it, always had very clunking and clacking noise when i turned the wheel, now ofc the power steering has packed up completly, and boy is this bitch a heavy mofo, had a look in all the search function results but im afraid im still none the wiser, need y'all to tell me where the hell do i start, in looking for problem/solution is it possible to fix myself? im a master of using good ole google to solve my problems, and im a pretty good diy'er but for now im stumped as to where to start, and what to check 1st, did see in one post that the power steering has a belt to right of engine???? but i didnt find any belts to right of engine when looking in from the front, only in front and to left, do i need the ole girl up on a ramp? can i even fix this myself, all i know is power steering is no more.
