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Head & Head Gasket Confusion

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  • Head & Head Gasket Confusion

    Hello All -

    Recently replaced the head on my 2.4 2L-TE and despite replacing and/or cleaning the entire cooling system I have still been having some overheating issues. I am now wondering if its something to do with having an incorrect replacement head gasket. Most of the cooling channels match up, but some are blocked off and some only have small holes instead of full diameter holes..... the mechanic (Bahamas Bush Mechanic - not a toyota dealer in sight!) seems to think that is OK but I am not so sure. Unfortunately the same mechanic threw out the old gasket so I have nothing to compare to.

    So my questions are:

    1) Should every channel in the block have a full diameter opening to the head through the gasket? Or are there reasons for restricting the flow?

    2) How do I work out which of the five listed head gasket codes (http://www.toyodiy.com/parts/p_J_199...KPGT_1104.html) is correct for my SSRX (Q-LN130G-GKPGT) with no old gasket to compare to.

    Thanks folks,


  • #2
    All the gaskets listed have the same part number now. Part number differences are just superseded numbers. This leaves three to choose from.

    11115-54084 is he latest part number I have. It's just a matter then to choose thickness. This is done by specifying -BO, -DO or -FO in the part number. If in doubt, or can't measure piston protrusion, then choose the -FO gasket.



    • #3

      look at the rad i had the same problem and it turned out to be the rad half of the rad was blocked up so i replaced the rad with a 3.0 rad and everything has been fine since then


      • #4
        The cars are old and easy clogg up with silt (old anit freeze, anti gel stuff, grit ect) and rads are close channels that bloke easy. Change the rad also, you may find the heating is poor on tick over, this is a bloked matrix. This can be blew out with an air line, happy days
        What comes around goes around!!


        • #5
          to get the air out of the heater matrix just set the engine to fast tickover put a hose pipe in the thermastat cap and turn on the water this will push the air out better still put a t peice in the pipe going to the matrix and fit hose pipe to that but make sure it has a non return valve on the t peice this is a mod i done on my surf now you can breed snakes in my surf when i have the heater on full
          Recently replaced the head on my 2.4 2L-TE and despite replacing and/or cleaning the entire cooling system I have still been having some overheating issues. I am now wondering if its something to do with having an incorrect replacement head gasket. Most of the cooling channels match up, but some are blocked off and some only have small holes instead of full diameter holes..... the mechanic (Bahamas Bush Mechanic - not a toyota dealer in sight!) seems to think that is OK but I am not so sure. Unfortunately the same mechanic threw out the old gasket so I have nothing to compare to.

          So my questions are:

          1) Should every channel in the block have a full diameter opening to the head through the gasket? Or are there reasons for restricting the flow?

          2) How do I work out which of the five listed head gasket codes (http://www.toyodiy.com/parts/p_J_199...KPGT_1104.html) is correct for my SSRX (Q-LN130G-GKPGT) with no old gasket to compare to.

          Thanks folks,


