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Turbo Boost non-existent

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  • Turbo Boost non-existent

    Have started a new thread albeit on a previously covered subject. There is no turbo boost on my 2.4 'H' plate SSR-X. The sensor is on top of the throttle housing on this model, as opposed to by the air filter. The turbo impellor is spinning, all pipes that I know of seem ok and conected, there is suction at the impellor when the main hose is disconnected and i place my hand in front intake. The green turbo light comes on at switch on only. On the pic supplied by Bushwhacker in response to post by Highlander (I think) there is a diaphragm type item with hoses coming from it. These hoses disappear to the front and below the throttle unit and connect to metal pipes.
    There is a white top filter (?) of somekind that is shown connected by red dotted line to a nipple on side of throttle unit, again on Bushwhacker's pic. Question 1: what is the purpose of this? It was disconnected as a result of work done by A.N. Other. Connected or disconnected made no difference. Question 2: what is purpose of diaphragm-type item with grey tubes coming from it and how is it linked to turbo? How can it be tested? Question 3: If the turbo boost pressure sensor is u/s, will this cause turbo to not funtion? If so how can this be tested other by replacement. Question 4: Were I to replace all these items, who would the parts be obtainable from? Question 5: Apart from torching the damn thing, any suggestions as to why turbo not kicking in?
    Last edited by dogzdinner; 24 September 2009, 23:03. Reason: Mis-spelt title

  • #2
    Originally posted by dogzdinner View Post
    Question 2: what is purpose of diaphragm-type item with grey tubes coming from it and how is it linked to turbo?
    It has nothing to do with the turbo. All the turbo needs is the boost sensor connected so the ECU sees boost. Just make sure the hose from manifold is connected to the sensor via the small white filter and the sensor has the wiring connector fitted.

    Have you got a pic of the sensor and where it's mounted?



    • #3
      i got a mate over in Pool near Redruth that has the same problem.He's put a different tps on and still no different so i will probably have to go through and check all the turbo vac pipes etc to see if there's any damage to them


      • #4
        Turbo Boost Pressure Sensor

        Ta gents for your replies. Will take piccy and upload it Nev. Cheers for now. Regards Dogz


        • #5
          Turbo Boost Pressure Sensor

          Pics for your reference Nev or at leat I hope they are there. If not can you advise on how to post please. Hope you can see the tps on top of throttle housing. Not a million miles from Pool Stormforce and use B&Q/Homebase/Pool Market regularly. Maybe meet up & compare your mates probs with mime? Cheers for now.


          • #6
            Turbo Boost Pressure Sensor

            Pic size was too big. Re-done Nev
            Attached Files


            • #7
              I knew something was wrong when you stated the Boost Sensor was on top of throttle housing. The pic confirms it. Your boost hose from the manifold is actually connected to the vent/filter port of the VSV for engine shutdown. Have a look on the back (as you face engine) of filter housing for the boost sensor and connect the hose that is on this VSV to the bottom of sensor. The connection on the VSV it is on now is simply a vent for the VSV and should have a small black cylinder shaped filter on it. I'll have a closer look at the pics later to do some more checking.

              Last edited by NiftyNev; 29 September 2009, 00:21.


              • #8
                Pic added.



                • #9
                  All other hoses appear to be correctly fitted. Let me know how it goes. I will be away for a couple of days but will get back to you when I return. Leaving early Wednesday morning Aussie time.



                  • #10
                    Turbo Boost Pressure Sensor

                    Nev that was one bit of Nifty detective work mate! Cudn't find the tps at first. The bloke that did my engine change had obviously lost the plot with this bit and had hidden it under lots of cables near wheel arch. Connected pipe as you said, fixed tps back on bracket on side of filter box and gave it a go. Was this a Surf or a Ferrari? Quelle difference! Took out on backroad and gave it some wellie. Brilliant! Very smooth - none of the labouring engine and bags of power! Well done mate. Don't know where u live but maybe one day we get chance for a beer or two as I owe u. Only 1 snag and that is that the orange engine check light comes on after putting my foot down hard for a few seconds and the turbo light goes out. It goes off once I backed off the pedal and turbo came back on line immediately. Seemed to have read about this somewhere with any Ssurfie that had similar prob. Will try and fine it now. Thanx again mate - you ###### hero!


                    • #11
                      Turbo Boost Pressure Sensor

                      Hi again Nev. This is a ps. Firstly the hashed out word began with b and ended in y and sounds like bluddy! The connector that I took the pipe off, should there be a pipe on it connected somewhere else or just be blanked off? cheers = Dogz


                      • #12
                        The orange light indicates a fault. Disconnect negative terminals of batteries for a few minutes to clear codes. There may be codes stored because the sensor was not connected.

                        If the light comes on again do a fault code diagnosis.


                        I can't reply for a couple of days unless I happen to have internet access.



                        • #13
                          Oops. Forgot the other bit. Do not blank it off. Try and find the filter that belongs there or connect a bit of hose to one of those small plastic fuel filters. Fill the filter with cotton wool and mount somewhere convenient away from too much heat. That part is just a vent for the VSV. If you look at other VSVs on the vehicle they should all have this black cylindrical filter attached.



                          • #14
                            I'm back. Have you fixed it?



                            • #15
                              Turbo Boost Pressure Sensor

                              Hi Nev. Not touched it yet as have now what looks like injector harness probs on Discovery. Aim to look at it tomorrow. Cheers for now

