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Grinding Noise?

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  • Grinding Noise?

    Ok, firstly...

    Recently a grinding noise, sound like something getting chewed up in fan belts had started to appear. The surf could run weeks without the noise then it would appear out the blue.

    I ignored it since was unexplained then it happened more frequently. it comes from the passenger side back of engine bay and will happen either when surf is idle or moving along, I know not a lot of info here and i can't see anything but just wondering....If its coming from that direction [think of it being around the fuel filter] what could it be?? [oh a noise comes and goes, only lasting less than a mintue or so]

    Secondly, got home from work tonight, stopped to open drive way gates jumped back into the surf and when pulling away felt a crunching through the clutch pedal. it still pulls perfect just the noise and vibrations through the clutch, once again, possibilites? oh..and for some reason grinding doesn't happen in 4WD.

    Surfs runs perfect, no lose of power, no whinings or others, just these little irritatiing noises that are getting to me.

  • #2
    As you got a manual by the sounds of it then it could well be the dual mass flywheel breaking up


    • #3
      Originally posted by Peter09 View Post
      If its coming from that direction [think of it being around the fuel filter] what could it be??
      You wouldn't happen to have the interior fan running when the sound appears, would you?


      • #4
        ok i really just did jinx myself

        half hour after posting this, the misses drove back from the shops saying noise was back and not going away,

        Checked it out, and there is a reallly bad knocking from back of engine bay, and a hell of a whining.

        Knocking only comes when revving the engine, the idle brings a whining , all from the back of bay.

        As for interior fan, i though about that too, but have switched it off when noise appeared and didn't do any diffrence.

        The Dual Mass Flywheel? whats this and sounds expensive?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Peter09 View Post
          The Dual Mass Flywheel? whats this and sounds expensive?
          Clutch plate.


          • #6
            ouch £300 for conversion of roughtrax.

            How big a job to replace this?, can i expect a big bill at the garage?

            so will my drive eventually go? and any way i can confirm that thats the problem?

            sorry for all questions just bit worried as no other car to get to work and back.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Peter09 View Post
              How big a job to replace this?, can i expect a big bill at the garage?

              so will my drive eventually go? and any way i can confirm that thats the problem?
              Price wise, phone a garage and ask how much they charge for replacing a clutch.

              Not really any way to check it other than by looking. Usually the springs will be found rattling around in the housing somewhere when they open it up.


              • #8
                ok cheers

                Another question, would i be best parking it up before more damage is done?

                or would it be ok to drive?


                • #9
                  if it was me i wouldn't drive it till it was sorted


                  • #10
                    ok thanks for the help guys.

                    just wondering though, would it still be making that noise if the car is stationary?


                    • #11
                      took the surf to mechanic at work today, he took of the starter to get a little look at things.

                      lots of metal fileings flywheel looks ok, no chewing teeth. but when turning it for stuck and could feel resistence. can also hear it chewing something up inside.

                      He's going to do the work for me, but he wants to remove the engine to get to it rather thans the bell housing. What you guys think?

                      2nd reason for removing engine is to fix oil leak in crank shaft seal with ease.

                      How big a job and pain in the ass is engine removal on the surf?


                      • #12
                        Just to update. it was the flywheel breaking up, all chewed up and springs all broken up

                        Going to have the conversion from Roughtrax fitted now, plus timing belt and crankshaft seal finally all fixed

