Had a new head fitter a few months ago and all seemed ok until last week when gasket on exhaust went, on investigating found all the bolts were lose on every thing I touched!!!!!
So replaced the gasket and tightened all the bolts. two days later had a sort of tapping sound coming from the top of the engine, Talked to a few people locally and they said to check the injectors, Removed these and had them tested, 3 out of 4 not working, now replaced but still making knocking/tapping from top end, it appears to be from top of 'rocker' cover towards the front. Also there is loads and I mean loads of black smoke, took Surf for a quick drive and do not have any power and still loads of black smoke, noise changes with engine speed and gets a bit quieter as the engine heats up, sometimes disapears altogether but it comes back and does not go away
Any thought or ideas would be welcome.

Just been rang and told could have a air lock in the fuel line between Injector pump and injectors?????