I bought my Surf on 1st May. ( My Missus has called it Big Red Fred ) We came over to the UK to get it, and on the way back to Brussels, she overheated, ( The Surf not my missus),
the passenger window stopped working and we found out that the cigerette lighter did not work. ( GPS needed charging ). What a great start to owning a new motor. She is a 2.4 2door 1991 Surf. She looks fantastic but needs some work. Being in Brussels I have little hope of finding a good machanic, so any help anyone can give will be appriciated. I have bought a Service Kit from Milners and a new Radiator cap Thermostat etc. I am hoping to drain the cooling system on Saturday and clean it out and refill as per the instructions I have seen on previous threads. After that its on with the new service kit. I am going to try and see what is wrong with the passenger window tonight. Does anyone know of the main faults that can happen?
Thanks Brussels John

Thanks Brussels John