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Losing 1/2 Liter oil on cold start up?

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  • #16
    thanks for the tip.

    First thing in the morning its getting a new filter with injector cleaner (webbs or something at £8 a tin) and I will update you once I have done this.

    I was given receipts with the truck showing new head about 45k ago and new injectors 25k ago. Oil level is halfway, oil pressure seems ok on the gauge but oil filter looks old so will be doing that in the next few days.

    I have the same 2lte motor in a Prado its starts and drives pretty well but at idle the oil pressure is VERY low, when revved slightly it goes to halfway.....should I be worried?


    • #17
      Originally posted by fazLN130 View Post
      First thing in the morning its getting a new filter with injector cleaner (webbs or something at £8 a tin) and I will update you once I have done this.

      I was given receipts with the truck showing new head about 45k ago and new injectors 25k ago. Oil level is halfway, oil pressure seems ok on the gauge but oil filter looks old so will be doing that in the next few days.

      I have the same 2lte motor in a Prado its starts and drives pretty well but at idle the oil pressure is VERY low, when revved slightly it goes to halfway.....should I be worried?
      my 3.0l does the same and its ok.The only time you need to worry and thats when the needle doesn't move and stays in the low position.
      The needle on mine is just on the 1st line and normally stays there.
      Anywhere between to 1st 2 lines is normal and the needle will normally move up once you press the throttle


      • #18
        1 less to worry abput then.

        Thanks, that's one less to worry about then.


        • #19
          when you do the oil change use semi synthetic oil 10w40 or 15w40 and change about every 3 to 4 k the filter will be ok to change every other oil change.I do my oil about 4 times a year and replace the filter twice a year unless i do more than normal milage


          • #20
            thanks again

            I wont be keeping it long as I buy and sell older Japs. But I will bear it in mind for future reference. Is the 15w40 mineral or semi synth?


            • #21
              semi synth.


              • #22
                good morning

                Woke up this morning and checked the oil and water, no oil dripping on driveway no obvious water leaks but the expansion tank was low - removed the water body cap and that was full with water, no signs of oil.

                I tried to undo the water separator at the bottom of the fuel filter but couldn't get my hands in for fully to undo the thingy :s

                *** I pumped the fuel plunger on top of the filter a few times and I could hear bubbling and after about 10 presses the plunger became hard ***

                Do you think their is an air leak?? or is there water in the fuel filter??


                • #23
                  I used wynns diesel treatmen

                  I used a tin of WYNNS diesel treatment directly into the filter, drove it Nottinham and back (almost 350KM with 36 liters £40) without any signs of overheating so hopefully its not the head/gasket issue.

                  I did find a wet injector couldnt smell diesel but the injector did look wet, tried tightening it but it didn't turn at all. Will wash it off tomorrow and then try to find a leak.
                  I have a feeling that its sucking in air from this injector overnight leading to lumpy start with gey smoke from cold only.

                  What do you guys think?

