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removing lock actuator

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  • removing lock actuator

    My Passenger door servo has gone wrong,
    I have another coming shortly in the post to replace it, but how are they fitted please

  • #2
    you have to take the screw/bolts from the lack face and take the door card off and i think theres a couple more bolts to be taken out from inside.you will need to remove the plastic cover completely to get the motor out and unclip any of the rods thats attatched to the servo.
    I think thats all i did when i took the c/l servos out the breakers


    • #3
      Well I swapped it out this afternoon it now works as it should,
      so it was a part rather than a wiring fault,
      as suggested on other queries on locking here.

      (BUT) ...

      can't see how the button that pokes from interior door top
      fits into the mechanism, not that its vital in any way
      as door unlocks on a key fob,

      but for the life of me I couldn't see how it pokes down through that plastic sleeve on the (interior side of the glass)
      to then hook up somewhere

      so its on the bench waiting for further instruction on replacement

      thanks as usual for pointers guys


      • #4
        I'll have a look on one of the doors i got here and get back to you but i think it should push up from inside then the rod connects to a small plastic clip on the lock mechanism


        • #5
          Your right of course, and its my own fault not noting which clip it came off, but examining the mechanism on the bench I could only see on latch that seemed to work to unlock the door, that being the interior pull handle, nothing else appeared to click up or down when that was operated

          actually Richard, reading this as I type it looks like I'm trying to hook up something totally wrong anyway like a dipstick.

          Can you instead identify which one that button should go into on the mechanim
          and its path down the door in relation to the glass
          (as I did notice at least) the sleeve is cranked slightly as if to go around something



          • #6
            Diagram may help.

            Attached Files


            • #7
              If Nev's diagram isn't any good for you then let me know and i will sort out some photos for you when/if i need me to check the mechanism for you


              • #8
                Hmmm might be as well Richard,
                Nev thanks but they don't show up too well under magnification TBH

                I had a look again this morning at the original lock and my button
                here on the bench, but I think I'd like to confirm just exactly where it clips on at some point if its not to much bother

                cheers guys


                • #9
                  give me a couple of days or so and i'll get some pics put up for you of the inside of the door and lock bars etc

