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fuel pump timing

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  • fuel pump timing

    hi, read through the site but no obvious answer.

    I have a 2lt engine with the mech pump. there seems to be a lot of fuel burnt up with smoke and a slight knocking noise after a recent repair. I checked the timing belt and the marks line up fine (belt teeth are quite large - ab 5 mil - so if a tooth was out would be obvious right?)

    Is there any other way to advance or retard the fuel pump? The bolt holes on the pump don't seem to be elongated to allow me to do this.

    Any ideas? - or maybe it's fixed and if you got the pulley right it should be fine?

    Thanks a lot
    Surf On!

  • #2
    There is a 2Lt manual on matts site .......... i think it covers the pump


    Are you sure it is a 2lt as 92 would be a 2lte...........or has someone retrofittered a earlier engine
    Last edited by BioHazard; 10 September 2008, 14:36.
    ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


    • #3
      Originally posted by robcismas View Post

      Is there any other way to advance or retard the fuel pump? The bolt holes on the pump don't seem to be elongated to allow me to do this.

      Thanks a lot
      They should be, but there are big washers on the nuts, so you might not see them.
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      • #4
        Originally posted by BioHazard View Post
        There is a 2Lt manual on matts site .......... i think it covers the pump


        Are you sure it is a 2lt as 92 would be a 2lte...........or has someone retrofittered a earlier engine
        Hi, thanks for the link. Yes done the retrofitting myself. Best thing ever, I think

        I think the other post is right - there might be elongation under the bolt. Will check. Thanks for help.
        Surf On!


        • #5
          Don't forget to loosen bolt at rear of pump which is through the mounting bracket if you want to adjust the pump. Some don't know there is one there.



          • #6
            Originally posted by NiftyNev View Post
            Don't forget to loosen bolt at rear of pump which is through the mounting bracket if you want to adjust the pump. Some don't know there is one there.

            Thanks Nev,
            Didn't know I had to loosen that too.
            Will see how it goes. I think it's twisting the pump towards the engine to undo an advanced timing, right? (only very little adjustment, I know)
            Thanks for the reply.
            Surf On!


            • #7
              I am sure that to retard the timing you need to turn the body of the pump in the same direction of rotation as the drive pulley, i.e. turn the top of the pump away from the engine, if you turn it towards the engine, i.e. opposite to the rotation of the pulley you will be advancing the injection timing.
              Regards, John.


              • #8
                Originally posted by bowella View Post
                I am sure that to retard the timing you need to turn the body of the pump in the same direction of rotation as the drive pulley, i.e. turn the top of the pump away from the engine, if you turn it towards the engine, i.e. opposite to the rotation of the pulley you will be advancing the injection timing.
                Regards, John.
                I'm pretty sure that is correct.


