5 weeks into owning my 1st Surf ,paid top price of £2000 as it had a new head fitted in Feb of this year. So i was certain i would have no trouble ,since buying it i've had overheating problems. I've tried all the burping tricks including jacking up front 2ft and fitting a bleedvalve to the top heater hose on bulkhead. I've replaced waterpump,rad,themostat,rad cap and 7 new heaterhoses but still overheating.Took it to my local garage passed pressure test no exhaust gases present. The mechanic asked if i tried running with no Thermostat , which i have and it overheated. He says if it overheats with no thermostat then it is an ABSOLUTE guaranteed certainty the head is cracked!
What would you do?
Pay £1000 for a Stevo head
Drive it only local for 5yrs to get my monies worth!
Scrap it and swallow the £2000 debt and tell the kids no Xmas for 5yrs
Go back to the bloke who sold it and remove his legs slowly!
I dont know if i can justify another grand on this old truck ,can i expect to get 200,000 miles out of new head ,and how long until the Goverment stitch us all up and raise RoadTax for old smokey diesel's to a grand a year.
Theres always one mug and it looks like this time it's me.
What would you do?
Pay £1000 for a Stevo head
Drive it only local for 5yrs to get my monies worth!
Scrap it and swallow the £2000 debt and tell the kids no Xmas for 5yrs
Go back to the bloke who sold it and remove his legs slowly!
I dont know if i can justify another grand on this old truck ,can i expect to get 200,000 miles out of new head ,and how long until the Goverment stitch us all up and raise RoadTax for old smokey diesel's to a grand a year.
Theres always one mug and it looks like this time it's me.
