why'll driving at 70ish there was a screeching noise and motor died for a few seconds then it carrid on as norm. for a few days all was ok but then it gradually got harder to start. with clouds of smoke from exhaust. now it won't start at all.just fires now and again like an old cement mixer!. checked oil and it was very low and water in expansion tank is black with oil. is it turbo, head or head gasket. hope someone can help cos i luv my surf. thanx....
Yes it was just lack of power for about five seconds then all good for a few days.. any checks i can do to find prob before i start putting my hard earned in the hands of a grease monkey.
Yes it was just lack of power for about five seconds then all good for a few days.. any checks i can do to find prob before i start putting my hard earned in the hands of a grease monkey.