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How to identify a cracked head.

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  • How to identify a cracked head.

    I had a long search thru many posts about overheating and cracked heads.
    Is there a definate way to know if you have a cracked head without actually dismantling the engine? (i realise im probably dreaming).
    I recently had a tune and a comment by the mechanic about my cooling system ( the overflow was low ) has me thinking. Im understand either a pressure test or cooling fluid test would shed some light on the matter but just wanted the advice of some you veterans out there.

  • #2
    You can get the coolant tested for engine gasses.


    • #3
      Have you seen this thread? That's a lot of bucks, dunno if you can find it on Trademe?

      Welcome to the forum, I lived in Kaiapoi for a while.
      Wax on, wax off


      • #4
        The "sniffer" type tester is not always a good test for diesels. Work much better on petrol engines. One obvious cracked head symptom is excess cooling system pressure. Minor cracks may just leak coolant into bores and create a lot of damage before any symptoms show. Diesel and coolant mix to form an acid which can severely corrode head and bore over time.



        • #5
          Why was your coolant low ? Was it because you havent checked in weeks/ months or are you topping up regularly?

          If its the former, start checking every couple of days, if it stays more or less the same you dont have a problem. If top ups are a regular feature you probably have a cracked head.( or a leak) If top up regularity increases , eventually youll get white vapours at the exhaust.

          In short I would recommend watching the coolant level like a hawk for a few weeks and if its ok, your head s OK. Even if its not OK it may not necessarily be your head. Look for leaks.

          Сви можемо


          • #6
            Kia Ora-- Kiwibro


            I am up in Nelson!
            Good to see another person from downunder that aint a aussie.
            Sure hope your wagon hasnt got the dreaded headache,anyways good luck.Let us know how you get on!!
            2.8L Best toymotor engine ever!!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Fordy
              Have you seen this thread? That's a lot of bucks, dunno if you can find it on Trademe?

              Welcome to the forum, I lived in Kaiapoi for a while.
              Here's a up to date ebay ad......

              should be available world wide ...... It's tested 3 trucks now and still got 45% of my test fluid left ......
              Last edited by Woodzie; 6 June 2007, 17:19.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Woodzie
                Here's a up to date ebay ad......

                should be available world wide ...... It's tested 3 trucks now and still got 45% of my test fluid left ......
                looks like a handy thing to keep around, especially with the head being a common problem.
                Which Wychwood would you choose?


                • #9
                  Here's a tip. If you use these on a Surf test via the expansion tank after you've taken it for a good run and engine is at operating temp. Why do this? Well, the engine will be to hot, therefore dangerous, to remove the rad cap. If combustion gases are present then they will be concentrated in the expansion tank. Make sense? Often gases will not show up if testing a cold engine via the rad cap because the engine will need to get hot before cracks will open up and allow the gases into the cooling system.



                  • #10
                    So far so good

                    Well after nearly two weeks of close watch on my cooling system i have come to the conclusion that my situation isnt as dire as previously thought.
                    Still I will keep eye on fluids more often now.
                    Also as a note about the coolant test kit on ebay, you can get from Amazon for about $25 USD which is far cheaper than i can get in NZ. Cheapest i found locally is $120 exactly the same kit. BUGGER!!


                    • #11
                      Good signs!!

                      Just came back from a jaunt to a local skifield (Mt Hutt) about 1hr and half away. For those who know it it has a pretty hairy access road and after I got home engine and coolant were still intact, no problems whatsoever.
                      I think that mecahnic must have been betting all 2.4 surfs will get that head problem.( Touch wood mine wont )

