Surf running fine - topped up with oil weekend, noticed a tear in the hose from the air filter - taped it up for now till I can replace it. Went for a run - drives lovely - seems smoother. Next day starts up - tones of black smoke, happened to have bought a Redex day before - chucked it in an fueled up, went for a blast up the bypass. Did it clear ??? nope. Ok so I get under the bonnet last night - oil comin from every joint in the hoses from rocker cover, air filter upto the Turbo. Engine breathing fine - cleaned the pipe from the rocker cover. Didnt have time to do all others. Started up and seemed fine. Today lots of smoke 2nd and 3rd gear change. Not so bad if I don't accelarate hard. Had another look round and oil leak from turbo to the elbow hose (sorry not sure what it's called) Is this a coincidence and my turbo is about to s*%^ itself or could it be something else?????? Oh I have tried the disconnecting of the batteries for half an hour already just in case. Any advice appreciated....
Oh - no loss of power either.
