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'91 Hilux Surf tips

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  • #16
    Hey buddy,

    I live in Saskatchewan and have had my surf for 5 months. One thing to make sure before you buy it, is to make sure you have a reliable mechanic willing to work on it. Toyota Canada has no specs on these vehicles, meaning you have to find parts or part numbers on your own, through forums ( what I do). They are excellent vehicles, the issues I'm having is no mechanic in my city has seen them before, it's not a good feeling taking your truck to a shop and a mechanic telling you he's not sure if he can fix it. Don't want to deferr you but just something to contemplate

    canadian surfer


    • #17

      Hi there,

      We are in BC and imported the same truck back in June of last year. The place we imported it from changed all fluids for us and changed the headlights for us as well. Check your tires to make sure they are dot certified. The majority that come over here are not, luckily most inspection places dont know about the tires yet. We are very happy with our truck, in fact my husband is taking it to calgary in february for the river shiver landcruiser trail ride. Should be a good time. Good luck with your purchase.

      Lisa and Matt


      • #18
        Hey thanx for the insights there my Fellow Canucks!

        Lisa, glad to hear you're enjoying it, i'd like to know more about this shiver river drive.

        and Mr. Sask, sorry to hear you're having issues with finding a competent mechanic. Fortunately i have a few things working for me.

        Firstly i know all about having to deal with lack of surrounding support as i've owned a Nissan Skyline for some time now and have grown accustomed to doing things on my own. I wouldn't call myself a mechanic by anymeans, but I've learned to tackle alot of issues on my own. Forums and fellow importees have buddied up to lend me a hand when jobs have been too tough for me to do on my own as well.

        Secondly, i've gotten reasonbly close with i guess you'd call him the premier tuner here in Red Deer, he's a specialist with EMS, but runs a very high caliber tuning shop as well. Me and him have gotten to know each other quite well as me and him are building a new topmount turbo system and intake plenum for my GTST. I'm sure he'd be more than willing to take a peak at my Hilux should something go horribly wrong, the man loves turbo diesels,

        Thirdly the importer i use is not only a great business man, but he's just an all around great guy who gets nothing but the best and goes to great lengths to make sure everything is ready to rock and roll.
        My SSR-X LTD is going to be in edmonton next week, and all the fluids and typical stuff is getting replaced and flushed, as well as tires being changed and all that good stuff.

        I'll let you guys know how she is when i pick it up,


        • #19
          Well I'm on my way to pick her up and get it registered, lets hope everything goes without a hitch!

