Hi surfs
I know this is a hilux website and I do post on this site with my own hilux..but I would appreciate some help I am thinking of buying a 1992 Hi ace diesel automatic cruising cabin/campervan import 4 wheel drive its a 2.4 or 2.6.but the head gasket has gone..its loosing water out of the exhust..does anyone know of anyone who may be able to fix this?...in the Buckinghamshire area? and is this problem similar to the hilux when head gasket gone..ie new head etc..Or is this model able to replace gasket...bearing in mind that the engine compartment is in the cabin between front seat driver and passenger..
It lifts up and there is the engine in a very tight space..
Thanks hope I dont get barred..
I know this is a hilux website and I do post on this site with my own hilux..but I would appreciate some help I am thinking of buying a 1992 Hi ace diesel automatic cruising cabin/campervan import 4 wheel drive its a 2.4 or 2.6.but the head gasket has gone..its loosing water out of the exhust..does anyone know of anyone who may be able to fix this?...in the Buckinghamshire area? and is this problem similar to the hilux when head gasket gone..ie new head etc..Or is this model able to replace gasket...bearing in mind that the engine compartment is in the cabin between front seat driver and passenger..
It lifts up and there is the engine in a very tight space..
Thanks hope I dont get barred..
